Gender Equality

Richard DiPilla, 24/4/2019, The Language of Equality


The purpose of this project is to make a change in how the ISL community addresses gender abnormalities and to see a diversification, throughout the communitie's behavior. Address the issues, and strive for a better future and work towards making an impact. Seek equality, impartiality, and divergence.

We Are Better Together

Gender equality is a human right, and still, two-thirds of the children denied by schools are girls(oxfam New Zealand, 2021). Furthermore 66% of women have experienced street harassment(NPR, 2018), . Women's issues are commencing to be more and more recognized, but still many are neglected . Women still face on a day-to-day basis issues such as unequal pay, sexual harassment and not being promoted in the workforce.

Chatterjee, R. (2018) A New Survey Finds 81 Percent Of Women Have Experienced Sexual Harassment, NPR. Available at: (Accessed: 6 May 2021).

Oxfam, N. Z. (2017) Women’s rights - Oxfam NZ, Women’s rights. Available at: (Accessed: 6 May 2021).

What we've done

So far this service project has achieved a lot keeping in mind the current circumstances in which we are (covid) and also the fact that the service project had no momentum to start the year off as it was only created this year.