Student Portfolios

Our PYPx Portfolio's

Check out these websites created by the 2022 cohort of Y6 students. They represent their knowledge and understanding about their topic. Yet, even more importantly, they show that they can have a positive and lasting impact on the world.

Each student's website documents their learning journey throughout the Exhibition, but also gives you access to their PYPx speech, their written piece and their action project.

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Poverty can lead to a unhealthy lifestyle. 

La Turquie a été touchée par un tremblement de terre et maintenant il y a beaucoup de sans-abris.

Sierra Leone's poverty and how people there don't have simple basics to live.

People are slowly dying because they do not have enough food.

Teaching kids to live a healthy life. 

Access to good healthcare and good medical treatment.

COVID 19 and mental health

Gender inequality and how it affects people's lives. 

Gender inequality is a problem we can fix. 

Gender inequality at work and the pay gap. 

Gender inequality in sports and how we can solve it

Any qualities between men and women or more specifically gender pay gap.

Les inégalités entre les sexes ou plus spécifiquement la différence de salaire entre les sexes.

Gender inequality affects women in sports. 

Inequality in sports. How females are not treated the same as men. 

Solving gender inequality between men and women

Gender sterotypes and why we need to stop them

Mon projet est l'égalité entre les sexes. J'étais surtout intéressé par Malala Yousafzai et les Talibans.

Clean water is essential for a healthy life.

Clean water in the water crisis.  Between the poor who have no water and the rich who do.

L'eau propre dans la crise de l'eau. Entre les pauvres qui n'ont pas d'eau et les gens riches qui en ont.

My PYPx is about energy and how solar power is hard for low incomes countries.

Les panneaux solaires donnent beaucoup d'avantages mais des désavantages aussi. Et nous devons changer.

How poverty forces children to get jobs.

Comment la pauvreté force les enfants à travailler.

Sustainable solutions for all types of industries

Neurodivergent, neurotypical, and equality.

Neurodivergent, neurotypique, et égalité.

Refugees and migrants.

Les réfugiés et les migrants.

Un problème de l'humanité sur les inégalités.

Problems we must solve.

If we don't have cities, we won't have a home.

Clothing waste is a major problem. 

Learn about how climate change affects the ice caps and the polar ecosystem.

En savoir plus sur comment le changement climatique affect les calottes glaciaires et l'écosystème polaire.

Finding out causes of wildfires and the solutions to help.

Meat consumption affects climate change. 

Climate change is causing the extinction of species.

Coral reef, small islands, and ecosystems.

Les récif coralliens, les petites îles et les écosystèmes

How lack of sustainability is affecting animals

Climate change impacts plant life. 

All about plastic pollution and how it really affects the marine ecosystems.

Au sujet de la pollution sous l'eau et comment ça affecte beaucoup les animaux marins.

Plastic pollution is not the only thing we should worry about,, overshipping  in the East China Sea is damaging our home.

Le plastique dans l'océan n'est pas la seule chose dont on doit s'inquiéter. La pêche excessive est en train de de détruire notre monde.

Sea turtles are in big danger from pollution.

How plastic affects the ocean.

Plastic pollution affects sea turtles and we need to help them.

There is too much pollution in our waters. 

Marine pollution and how it affects the world. 

Climate change negatively affects coral reefs. 

Plastic pollution harms all.

La pollution plastique fait mal à tous.

Here instead of plastic pollution. You will find out all about overfishing.

Ici tu ne verras pas la pollution plastique, ,mais tu apprendras tout sur la surpêche.

Learn about plastic pollution and why you need to stop using plastic.

Because plastic pollution is nothing to smile about.

Click to read about overfishing, shark fining, and my journey of the PYPx.

Pour comprendre ce qui se passe ans l'océan.

Plastic pollution has a negative effect on water and marine life.  

Plastic Pollution

Coral reef and little islands and climate change.

Les récifs coralliens, les petites îles et le changement climatique.

Amur leopards are being hunted right now and we need to help them before they are all gone.

Click here to learn about my PYPx project where I learned about deforestation and how it causes habitat loss.

Cliquez ici pour apprendre au sujet de mon Expo, où j'ai appris des choses sur la déforestation et comment elle cause la perte d'habitat.

Why we must protect animals.

Pourquoi on doit protéger les animaux.

No action, no habitats for endangered species.

Without forest, there is no us.

Sans les forêts, il n'y a pas de communauté.

Learn how deforestation and planting palm trees affect biodiversity in the Amazonian forest.

Animal testing is cruelty and it needs to stop

Racism can cause a lot problems for people.