Parent Association

A self-elected Parent Association has been in operation since the school began and they meet to conduct business which aims to promote a social calendar for the pupils and to support school initiatives such as charity fundraising, concerts and performances as well as mixed adult and pupil social events (bonfire night, etc.)

The Sara Village School community is a strong one, and one that relies on input from dedicated parents as much as from committed staff. Throughout the year, parents are found in and around the school, lending their valuable help with reading programmes, organising special events, fundraising, helping backstage with drama productions, leading PTA activities and much more. 

We believe it is important for children that their parents have an equal stake in their learning experience and that they are involved in more than simply forming the audience at school concerts, or cheering on the sidelines at sports days.

We encourage and appreciate your interest in your child’s progress and learning experiences. We welcome your volunteer time in the office, classroom, library, etc. You are most welcome to visit the school. We ask that parents consult with the classroom teacher and make prior arrangements through the school office for a visit, so as not to disturb the class in session. 

Sara Village School has two specific parent groups which operate on behalf of the parent community: