Cafeteria Menu

Week of May 19

Join the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

We encourage all ASD parents to get involved at school.

We know from research that students who have involved parents do better at school.  There are many parent volunteer opportunities, especially in the younger years. The Parent Teacher Group (PTG) meets once a month and sponsors a number of events throughout the school year, including Saudi National Day, International Day, Hot Dog Day, the annual Walk-a-Thon, Dads and Donuts and Moms and Muffins.

In addition, we also believe it’s important to give back to the community. Our students start learning about community service at a young age and we contribute annually to a number of charities in the Eastern Province. We also encourage the younger grades to develop their own areas for service to the community, helping to develop our young people as fully-rounded, caring individuals.

Parents of high school students can also get involved at ASD by becoming members of the PTG and volunteering at school-wide events such as athletic tournaments and the Week Without Walls (WOW) courses.

To join the PTG, please email

School Clinic

The ASD clinic is located in the ASD reception and is staffed by registered nurses and a medical doctor during the school day.

In addition to assessing and treating illnesses and injuries and referring to other medical professionals, the nurses are a source of healthcare information.

If you would like to contact the ASD clinic, please call 920 035 001 and extension 8613 or 8614 or email

Working hours: Sunday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 

Meet Our Teachers

Coming soon..