Virtual School Celebrations

Virtual School Value

I really liked any idea that created more social opportunities for our students to interact and engage with each other and their teacher.

For example, lunch bunches were a time when students could come and eat their lunch on Google Meets with their classmates and teacher and really just talk about anything and get to know each other a bit more. I think that space to create bonds and friendships is so important not only for the children's' social development, but also for their academic engagement and development, too, and has been the hardest part about Virtual Learning.

Krystle Perez

Teacher Spotlight

Meet your students where they are.

Krystle Perez - Grade 2 Class Teacher

"Invite your whole learner into the classroom."

I think having our learners at home provides unique challenges, but also unique opportunities to allow them to really show up in their comfort zone with confidence and pride.

Student Spotlight

Are you a good role model of our core values ?

Bao, Grade 2 Blue

Bao started out the year not wanting to share during Morning Meeting because he felt too shy, and has pushed himself to get to know his classmates.

He has such a creative spirit that he loves to share with his classmates. For example, he builds things like cars and space rockets out of leftover cardboard boxes at home and shares them on the Random Share FlipGrid (a class-FlipGrid that the kids use to share off-topic things with each other that they didn't get to share during class time).

He also always shares with the class the ways in which he takes care of his baby brother and really relishes in how much fun it is to spend that time with him, which I think is a really special thing to share with other kids his age who may struggle with having a younger sibling.

What do our Scorpions have to say ?

Nominate a teacher or demonstrating innovation, creativity or compassion during virtual school.

"Humanities, I really enjoyed the podcast assignment because we had to study about our explorer and then we had to plan out our podcast and finalize it by recording it."

Vlad, 7 Green

"We played games during closing circle, and it was special because it was really fun and would make my day end on a good note"

Rymas, 8 Blue

"I learned many things during virtual school. How to be more independent and how to manage my time just being some of them."

Titiksha, 7 Green

"Science and Math! Some of the highlights would be observing scientific experiments and solving mathematic equations. This class is special because it pushed me to the point where I had to learn how to argue using the evidence and use the data to prove. It was challenging and fun at the same time."

Ruby, 7 Blue

"Tool" Spotlight

Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for PreK to PhD educators, learners and families. Create a Topic and engage your community...together!

Teachers create a discussion Topic. Share it with their learning community. Learners record and share short videos with their and class.

Flipgrid is widely used at at DEMS, but beyond our community, there are 25,000+ topics that you can search and get inspired by.

Explore the Flipgrid Discovery Library to find and share Flipgrid Topics created by inspiring educators and organizations from around the world.