Elementary School

Overview of Elementary Virtual Learning

  • Students in Kindergarten 1 through Grade 5 will access virtual learning via Google Classroom.

  • Learning activities will be varied, engaging, and connected to subject standards.

  • Students will be given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and receive feedback about their learning.

  • Students will be expected to complete a variety of activities.

The purpose of extended virtual learning is to continue student learning when the Ministry of Education and/or the ISG Board of Trustees determine that students may not physically attend school during the calendared school year.

Help !

  • Each DEMS student has a Google account with a unique login and password. This login and password is used for Google Mail, Google Meets, Google Chat, and Google Classroom.

  • Forget your login and/or password? Please contact your teacher.

  • Please refer to the Resources menu for additional support.

DEMS 2020 Parents' Guide to Google Chrome - Multiple Users
DEMS 2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom

Virtual Learning Routine


In order to be marked as present at school, each student must complete the daily attendance question before 2:30 PM.

Additionally, students are expected to attend and participate in all teacher scheduled synchronous sessions.

Teacher Office Hours

Teachers will be online and available to answer student questions via email, Google Chat, or Google Meet from 2:30-3:30 PM daily.

Google Meet Sessions

Students are scheduled to attend daily Morning Meeting and Closing Circle sessions. In addition, there will be regular synchronous learning sessions.

Teachers will organize and facilitate these sessions using Google Meet. Attendance is required. Please be aware that teachers will be recording these sessions.

You may find this Blank Google Meet Grid helpful to keep track of the scheduled meets each week.

You may refer to the Resources menu for the Google Meet Guidelines.

Virtual Learning Expectations

Teachers : All

  • Post weekly learning plan each Thursday by 2:30

  • Schedule and facilitate daily Google Meet Office Hours (afternoon) for questions, clarification, and support

  • Schedule frequent parent/teacher/student Google Meet sessions for feedback and support

  • Plan learning activities that are varied, engaging, and connected to subject standards

  • Plan learning activities that are easily understood and implemented by students

Teachers : Core

  • Post daily learning materials on Google Classroom by 6 AM

  • Schedule and facilitate daily synchronous Morning Meeting and Closing Circle sessions for community building

  • Schedule and facilitate synchronous sessions for teaching and learning

Teachers : Specialists

  • Post weekly learning materials on Google Classroom by Thursday 6 AM

  • Schedule and facilitate synchronous sessions for teaching and learning as needed


  • Check Google Classroom and Google Email on a daily basis

  • Ensure access to a device to continue virtual learning

  • Establish and maintain the scheduled school routine

  • Use a quiet study space that supports your learning

  • Must attend and actively participate in online community building and learning synchronous sessions,

  • Must join Google Meet sessions with active video and available audio

  • Complete all work to a high standard

  • Submit all work on time

  • Strive for balance; engage in play and physical activity and be mindful of your health and well-being

  • Utilize office hours as needed; communicate proactively with your teachers to ask questions and clarify expectations

  • Actively participate in teacher/parent/students Google Meet sessions for feedback and support


  • Partner with teachers and actively engage in the learning process with your child; discuss learning, deadlines, workload

  • Support the development of a regular study routine and environment

  • Reinforce the importance of balance, well-being, and physical activity

  • Seek/support opportunities to allow children to socialize and engage as a school community

  • If supporting siblings, seek balance and individual routines that allow for focus and success

  • Communicate concerns to teachers, counselors, or administration when applicable

  • Actively participate in teacher/parent/students Google Meet sessions for feedback and support

  • Refer to the DEMS Tips for Virtual Learning at Home

Elementary Learning

Virtual Learning Curriculum Maps

DEMS Virtual Learning Curriculum Maps provide an overview of broad learning targets.

DEMS Virtual School Core Curriculum Mapping

Weekly Learning Plans

Teachers are using the curriculum map to design meaningful, targeted weekly learning opportunities.