Sra. Rebecca



Phone: 218-336-8895 ext. 1238

Remind: To join my remind class you can enter the number 81010 and message @srarebe Or you can go to

A Little About Your Teacher:

A photo of me, being me, in back during my trip to Panama in 2018 while visiting the amazing people of the Embera tribe. I think it's a pretty good depiction of me :)

My family at a Vikings game.

Fall life has gotten more and more busy we can't seem to all be in the same picture

Hello all! As you all know I am one of the two Spanish Immersion 3rd grade teachers here at Lowell. I love teaching and how, honestly, no two days are exactly the same. There is always something to smile about at the end of the day.

If I am not teaching you will most likely find me carting one of my three children to some activity or another. My oldest son is 15 years old. My middle child is in Thrid grade here in the Nueva Visión program, and my youngest is 5 years old and will be joining the program next year.

If, by chance, I have a moment to myself I like to cook/bake, workout, lift weights, read, listen to music or, when I'm feeling especially motivated, find a way to listen to music, read and workout at the same time so that I can fully enjoy all the yummies I cook/bake. I also LOVE to travel be it abroad or within the U.S.A. This summer I was fortunate enough to travel to Mexico (for my time abroad) and Montana/Canada (for my time within the U.S.A. and some extra abroad time). Both trips were filled with adventure and culture. Basically, my version on heaven within the confines of travel.

This year will mark my 13th year teaching. Yup, that makes a solid bakers dozen! Within the 13 years I have taught 1 year abroad in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, 3 years in a middle school Language survey class in Grand Forks, ND, 5 years in First grade Spanish Immersion in Moorhead, MN, 3 years in Kinder Spanish Immersion at Lowell, and now I will be teaching 3rd grade Spanish Immersion.

It's a crazy busy life and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Best times to reach me:

By phone: 2:15-3:15 Ex: 1238

By email: Whenever, but please note that I will not be able to regularaly check my email throughout the day so a response will likely be within 12-24 hours.

Via Remind: All day! I have the app set up to give me notifications throughout the day. So this is the best way to get a hold of me for quick items (change in pickup, child out sick, etc.)