Rockridge Academy

 Media Center

Read. Inquire. Create. Share.

The Media Department inspires all learners to read, inquire, create and share as ethical citizens of the world. 

April is National Poetry Month

Stop by the library to borrow these and other poetry books.

A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams

Daniel Finds a Poem

Poetry for Young People: Langston Hughes

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Nature Poems

Poetry for Young People: Emily Dickinson

Reading Group Sets

Email to borrow up to 6 copies of these or other titles.

Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same! (390L/K)

Frog and Toad are Friends (400L/K)

The Absent Author (510L/N)

Dinosaurs Before Dark (510L/M)

Judy Moody Was in a Mood (560L/M)

The Ember Stone (560L/O)

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel (620L/P)

Crenshaw (540L/S)

I Survived Hurricane Katrina (590L/Q)

No Talking (750L/R)

Ghost (730L/W)

Spy School (740L/X)

Book Requests

The Rockridge Academy Media Center is here to support teachers and staff as well as students. Please, email with books that you would like to see added to our library collection, as funding allows.


Mary Haussner, Media Specialist