PCHS Theater

Our Purpose

To use the shared interest in theater as a platform to develop skills for our participants that can be used beyond the ‘stage experience’ to create meaningful relationships in their lives. We accomplish this by showing them how to be a team player with these values: flexibility, reliability, genuine commitment, readiness to help, and respecting others. 

If you are interested in being notified about upcoming shows for PCHS Theater, please sign-up for our text messaging service with REMIND.  Send a text to the phone number 81010 with the message @pc4drama 

Spring Play: Stuart Little
May 2021

One Act: OZ
January 2019

Beauty & the Beast
November 2017

The Little Mermaid
November 2019

Welcome to Pine City High School Theater

We are excited for a busy and fun year ahead for the 2023-24 season.  Please take some time to review this website as a tool to get you connected to our program and answer many questions that you might have.  If you have specific questions, please reach out to Theater Director, Becky Schueller by email at bschueller@isd578.org.  I look forward to seeing or meeting you this fall!

Below is a slideshow that highlights the High School Program Expectations.  Please review the information carefully.  Students cast in the production, along with their parents will be asked to complete an expectations agreement during the first week of rehearsals. 

Student Expectations