Battle Lake Preschool is a 4-star Parent Aware rated School  Readiness Program.  

Welcome to the Battle Lake School Readiness program!  We are excited to meet your family and have you join ours! The Battle Lake School Readiness program focuses on the development of the whole-child.  

Using a Hands-on approach to learning, your child will have the opportunity to grow in all areas:


Children learn how to handle emotions in a healthy way, make friends, use manners, and be a respectful individual in our community.  Some of these skills include: 

Cognitive: The "Thinking" skills

A child’s ability to think, understand, communicate, remember, imagine and work out what might happen next. Some of these skills include: 


These are the basic skills children need to develop to become independent and do things all by themselves!

Fine & Gross Motor:

Gross (large) motor: As children grow and develop they strengthen from the core out... developing arm/leg muscles allow us to eventually refine our fine motor skills. Imagine a baby laying under a mobile... first they learn to reach, eventually batting at a toy.  As they grow, they are able to hold an object using their hands.  Eventually a child learns to roll over, hold their head up, crawl, walk and so on... Gross motor development is important in the development of fine motor skills/strength.  Some of the gross motor skills include:

Fine (small) motor focuses on the development of those finger muscles important for writing, etc.  These skills include:


Focuses on speaking, listening, reading, writing, and communication (expressive & receptive) skills


Having basic pre-math skills before entering Kindergarten gives children the basic skills & confidence needed to continue advancing and staying on track.  Some of these skills include:

Commonly asked questions...

How do I sign-up?  Is it too late?

Can we come for a visit?

What do I need to do to register?

How much does it cost?

Are scholarships available?

How do I know if my child is "ready" for preschool?

My child has special needs (food allergies, medical condition, other), can you accommodate?