Grade 3

Computational Thinking (CT) is how we think logically to solve problems.

We learn about CT in TechTime and use the vocabulary to describe our thinking process as we solve problems and learn to code.


We have all solved puzzles, but have you ever solved a puzzle by unsolving it? Students have been enjoying these games as Computational Thinking warmups in recent TechTime classes.


Unpuzzle 2

Can you complete the geometric (shape) patterns?

Fill the sea with plants, animals, and objects by completing the number patterns.

Computers and Bitmaps

Do you know what a bitmap image is?

During our current TechTime rotation students are learning about how computers work. They learned about many different ways that computers save data. Then they learned about how we see images on a screen including bitmap images and pixelization.

On the second day we also reviewed ideas about Computational Thinking that we learned in second grade.

We also spent some time each day playing some fun games to work with the ideas we learned including block puzzles and bitmap puzzles.