Coaches Needed

Ideal team size is 5-6. Each team needs 2 adults. No experience necessary.

No Experience Needed

I know you don't know how to do it and didn't do it when you were in school. Me either! Fortunately FIRST has a plethora of resources for coaches. Really, everything you need to know and more! The biggest thing you need is the passion to see a team of children take their first steps on the road to creating new learning! Mrs. Haack will take care of ordering materials and registration of teams.


Each team is required by FIRST to have 2 adults screened by FIRST. Please, check out the FIRST Youth Protection Program - designed to keep you and your child safe. The number of adults will directly affect the number of teams and the number of students on a team. We think that 5-7 is an ideal number. We expect to have about 50 children in Lego league this year.

We need your help! Please, consider coaching with another adult!