Grading Procedures

Students' math assignments are broken into the following three categories:

Tests (45% of Quarter Grade)

Students will complete a comprehensive unit test at the conclusion of each unit of study to demonstrate mastery of all skills learned during

that particular unit. We usually complete two or three units per quarter, and these tests account for 45 percent of students' overall grades.

If a student does not pass a particular test with a minimum of 70 percent accuracy, he or she will be asked to complete a take-home test to

relearn necessary skills and receive a passing grade.

Quizzes (35% of Quarter Grade)

Each unit of study is broken into two halves. Students will complete a quiz during each half of the unit to assess which skills they have

currently mastered and which skills require further development. We usually complete four to six of these quizzes per quarter, and they

account for 35 percent of students' overall grades. Any student wishing to improve his or her grade on a particular quiz can make

corrections to his or her original quiz using the corrections form available at school. Corrections are then turned in for the opportunity to

complete a new version of the quiz. The student's score on this second quiz will replace his or her original quiz score in the grade book.

Homework (20% of Quarter Grade)

Daily homework assignments are not graded. However, students will occasionally complete spiral review assignments including topics

that have been learned earlier in the school year. These assignments are graded and account for 20 percent of students' overall grades.

Any student wishing to improve his or her grade on a particular homework assignment can redo the assignment and turn it in to the

corrections bin in the classroom.

Students' grades are calculated using the formula above, and letter grades are assigned using the following scale:

A+ 100%

A 93% - 99%

A- 90% - 93%

B+ 87% - 89%

B 83% - 86%

B- 80% - 82%

C+ 77% - 79%

C 73% - 77%

C- 70% - 72%

D+ 67% - 69%

D 63% - 66%

D- 60% - 62%

F 59%

Parents can log in to JMC, our online grade book program at any time to monitor your student's grades. If you have not yet created a JMC

account, please contact the PEM 4-6 Office.