Accelerated Reader

Quarter 1,2,3,4 "Accelerated Reader" Assignments

Each student will be required to meet the following before the end of each Quarter.

1. Read at least 2 "A.R." *Novels and Pass 2 "A.R." Tests with a score of 60% or better. (40 pts. poss.)

*Novel = a chapter book worth at least 3 or more points

2. Earn at least 12,14,16,18 "A.R." Points. (Qtr 1 Example= 12 X 3 = 36 pts. poss.)

Total Possible: 76, 82, 88, 94 points

(All AR Novels must be okayed by the teacher before they are read, and all AR test must be taken in the classroom.)

Please encourage your child to do as much reading as possible at home. 20 to 30 minutes every night is a good starting point. This is not something that can be put off until the end of the quarter. Their "Accelerated Reader" score will be a part of their overall Reading Grade at the end of the quarter. Again, this is worth a significant number of points each quarter. KEEP READING!!!!!