

The Mission of the Olson Elementary PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. 


The Purpose of the Olson Elementary PTA is to promote the welfare of children and build closer relationships between the home and the school so that families and teachers can collaborate in the education of children.

Who We Are

We meet monthly as an opportunity to connect parents, teachers, and administrators to learn and take in or offer ideas and suggestions.  While the meeting is run by the PTA, we welcome everyone to attend the meetings! The more people that attend the meetings, the greater the benefit for everyone.

The members of Olson Elementary PTA are parents of students at Olson Elementary who want to help make the school experience as positive as possible.  We plan fun activities, promote a positive learning environment, support teachers with stipends and appreciations, and enhance literacy through reading programs.  

We welcome any parent/guardian to join however you are able.

Events and Fundraising

We host many community-building events throughout the year, some of which help fundraise so we can provide services for the students, staff, and school!

Some examples are:

Olson Elementary PTA Board

Olson Elementary PTA Representatives

Mrs. Hendrickson

 3rd grade teacher

PTA Teacher Liaison

Ms. Dixon

5th grade teacher

PTA Teacher Liaison

Mr. Meyer

Our fantastic Principal!


Our energetic, friendly, and motivating mascot!

The PTA helps Stripes attend events and activities at OLE.