FAQs for Middle School

Will I have a locker? Yes, all middle schoolers have their own lockers with combination locks. You will get to practice opening lockers before school starts.

Do I still get recess? Yes, each grade level takes breaks and has outside time built into their day. Phy Ed is also a class for most grade levels.

Can I have my cell phone in school? Yes, but to keep your focus on school we ask that phones are turned off and left in your locker or backpack during class.

Can I chew gum at school? Yes!

Is school lunch good? No--it's GREAT! You have tons of options every day: soup or salad, main course, taco bar, sandwiches...yum!

Do we switch classrooms during the day? Yes. But don't worry about getting lost--each grade level has core classes really close to one another.

What are core classes? English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Phy Ed

What are practical arts classes? Art, Music, Project Lead the Way, Family & Consumer Science, Computer Applications, Yearbook, World Languages

Can I be in sports? Starting in 6th grade you can participate in school sports like tennis, cross country, golf and track & field. Starting in 7th grade you can also participate in football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, softball, and baseball.