3rd Grade


third Grade in the BCE Music Room

3rd graders continue to expand their musical literacy skills, including more challenging rhythms and pitches. We also explore Native American music and other musical traditions from around the world.

What's new in music class?

3rd graders are working on singing patterns from the solfege ladder using the pentatonic scale (do, re, mi, sol, and la). They are also getting ready to learn sixteenth-note combinations. This year's 3rd graders are very talented singers, so we are also singing songs in multiple parts. We're also working on some more advanced circle dancing.

Want to know more? Ask your student to:

  • Tell you about how we are working together as a class to be successful in reading rhythms and patterns on the staff.
  • Sing one of our current songs: "I Don't Care if the Rain Comes Down," "Fed My Horse," and "My Mother Baked a Nice Seedy Cake."
  • Tell you about the game for "My Mother Baked."
  • Write a rhythm pattern with tika-tika, and read it to you.
  • Tell you about the dance move "the grand right and left."

3rd Grade Music Power Standards

I can:

  • Sing a song in parts (canon/round).
  • Identify characteristics of Native American music.
  • Identify and read letter names on the musical staff.
  • Read and notate rhythms including tika-tika, ti-tika, and tika-ti (in addition to 2nd grade concepts).
  • Reflect on a musical performance.