How to Use This Site

Students remember:

Use these ideas to build up your coping skills toolbox

Don't forget to use your support system: Family, Friends, Coaches, Teachers, Neighbors

Benefits of: Deep Breathing, Visual and Sound Relaxation, Journaling, & Books/Apps

*Uplift Your Mood *Help You Problem Solve *Increase Positive Thinking

*Switch you Mindset *Improve Sleep *Regulate breathing

*Release Emotions *Relax Muscles *Reduce stress

*Refocus *Increase Self-Confidence *Increase Flexible Thinking

*Give Time and Space *Improve Concentration *And more...

Try out the links, video and activities.

Make a list of your favorites!

Thank you!

Edina, Wayzata and District 196 Public Schools

We appreciate your willingness to share your resources/ideas!