Intramurals Schedule


Intramurals every Monday from 2:30-3:25 p.m. Due to such high numbers we had to split the 5th graders and 6th graders up, that means that one week it will be the 6th graders turn and the next week it will be the 5th graders turn. The children will be dismissed through the gym doors at 3:25 p.m. Please be on time. Students with 3 tardy pick up rides will no longer be allowed to participate in intramurals. Also, students will not be allowed to call home for rides on forgotten days.

Here is the schedule, which also can be seen on the ISD109 P.E. website: , follow Mr. Burnette on twitter at, or on the student’s Physical Education Google Classroom.

Intramurals Schedule: TBD