Honey Bees

Hello families! On this page you will find information about the 4 year old Honey Bee class. It will be update as needed. As you scroll down, there will be information about the classroom teacher, the calendar, our class schedule, monthly newsletters and more!

Meet the Teacher

Hello everyone! My name is Jaime Hilton. I am the 4/5 year old Honey Bee teacher. This upcoming school year will be my fourth year teaching Early Childhood here in Hill City.

Prior to earning my teaching license, I worked as one of the Early Childhood Paraprofessionals for six years. I love our program, and the kiddos we get the privilege to work with daily, which is why I decided to pursue a degree in education. I feel that growing up in our small town has been an advantage for me when it comes to building relationships with families and students. I feel blessed to be a part of our program and I look forward to investing many more years in ensuring our students are successful and ready for the next big step in their lives, kindergarten.

Honey Bee Daily Schedule

8:25 Arrival / Gross motor in the gym

8:50 Breakfast

9:05 Free choice / Small groups

10:45 Recess

11:15 Large group

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Rest

12:30 Free choice / Art

2:15 Large group

2:40 Snack

3:00 Dismissal

Communication: Seesaw Family

At Hill City Preschool we use a free smart phone app called Seesaw. This is our most popular mode of communication to families. You can also access it online. We are aligned with Hill City Elementary so families will use this platform throughout elementary school. It is a great way to get used to this app. If you do not have access to a phone or computer we will always offer other communication options.

Notifications will be sent through the Seesaw app when needed.

September Newsletter


October Newsletter


November Newsletter


December Newsletter


January Newsletter


February Newsletter


March Newsletter


April Newsletter


May/June Newsletter
