0. Introduction to Computation with Julia



There is a vast amount of textbooks on Julia and Python. And for economics and finance, in particular, there is this excellent website "QuantEcon" (see here ), founded by Thomas Sargent and John Stachurski, which has a massive amount of information about Julia and Python (if printed out as pdf files they amount to around 1,500 pages for each language).

In case one needs a smaller and more directed perspective to the newbie into the Julia or Python environments, we propose three alternatives::

(1) Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel (2019). Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and The Cloud, Person Publishers.

  • This is, possibly, one of the best books about Python you can get. It is quite telegraphic about installation, but the remaining parts compensate for this shortcoming.

(2) Michael Galarnyk (2018). Installing Anaconda on Windows, https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/installing-anaconda-windows.

  • The best tutorial we know of about the installation process of Anaconda.

(3) Bogumil Kaminski and Przemyslaw Szufel (2018). Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook, Packt Publishers, London.

  • Chapter 1: "Installing and Setting Up Julia" is an excellent source to install Julia (around 50 pages long).

  • The rest of the book is an excellent source of material for almost everything we may be interested in using the Julia language, particularly the tricks to improve performance.