
0. Introduction to computation with Pluto and Julia

Notebooks as static HTML files can be downloaded from here (session3 is about plotting -- it's a big file, be patient when downloading it):

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

You can see the files on your browser, navigate on the HTML files, but you can not change them.

Active notebooks: the six Pluto notebooks which can be run and modified (and the associated data files) can be downloaded from here. **

  • The notebooks are the files with the extension ".jl". These files can be opened in the Pluto window.

  • Remember to keep all files in the same folder on your computer or in the cloud. Some notebooks need to read the data files (".csv" extension). If the "csv" files are not found, the notebook does not know what to do about the instructions that it receives in its cells.

  • ** To get the zip file, click on the link, and then, on the top right corner of your monitor, click on the transfer box (small arrow).

The files below are IJulia notebooks (with the extension: ".ipynb"; meaning "interactive python notebook"). One can only run these notebooks if, firstly, they are saved in a folder that the IDE Jupyter Notebook has access to (by default, it is on the computer's desktop). Notice that the usual "double-clicking" on the link does not work in this case. Save the "__ .ipynb " files in a folder, open Jupyter Notebook, tell the former where the folder is, open the files and then run them.

1. Basic techniques

No notebooks were used.

2. Three fundamental models

Two small notebooks were used in this session: RBC_Matrix A-Singular Money_In_Utility_Function

3. Jordan decomposition

Three notebooks were used in this session: RBC_3x3 RBC_LHS NKM_Persistence

4. QZ decomposition

One notebook was used in this session: RBC_QZ_V3

5. Projection

Two notebooks were used in this session: RBC_Projection1 RBC_Projection2

An example with a native Julia file was used: solution_file_1a_proj_example.jl which requires the following txt file in the same folder model1a.txt

The notebooks below are those used in the academic year of 2020-2021.

Session 2 (2020-2021)

Three small notebooks were used in this session: Simplest Model RBC_Short_Version Money_In_Utility_Function

Session 3 (2020-2021)

RBC model simulation: Notebook for the Jordan decomposition here

RBC model simulation: Notebook for the QZ factorization here

Session 4 (2020-2021)

Projection: example 1 here

Projection: example 2 here