Reading Resources

The MHS library serves students in grades 7-12 as well as our teacher and parent community. To help us organize the collection, we refer to book reviews in the School Library Journal and other professional review magazines. Books that are targeting a Middle School audience (grades 7-9) are given a Young Adult spine label.

eBooks and Audiobooks available through the MHS library

250 eBooks and 150 audiobooks are available from the ISB library through the Kindle and Audible apps as well as on Drive.

Choose your title by clicking on the links.

Then send an email with your desired title to so we can set up access

Online "classics" eBooks and Audiobooks gives Free access to many "classics" ebooks which are in the public domain.

Think Sherlock Holmes and Frankenstein. Librivox does the same for audiobooks.

eBooksgratuits has public domain books in French

COVID-19 temporarily free Online ebooks

Epic Books (teachers will set up accounts)

Reading nonfiction articles

A great resource for reading interesting non fiction at different reading levels

Current events at multiple reading levels

Login with your school email

Reading around the world

A digital library of outstanding children's books from around the world

Book Reviews and Recommendations

All time 100 novels

100 Best Novels

Prix littéraire pour adolescents en Belgique. A ISB, les classes de French E y participent !
USERNAME student@isb.bePASSWORD libraryInformation about books, authors and illustrators around the world.
The Best Books for Young Adults

Websites about Reading in English, French and Dutch

Provides a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors young people enjoy.
Le site offre une banque de données très complète sur l'univers du livre de jeunesse, son histoire et son actualité.
Wat zijn de nieuwste boeken? Wat is het laatste nieuws over boeken, schrijvers en schrijfsters?

Youtube channels about Reading in English, French and Dutch


Hello, I'm Hailey and I'm a 24 year old book lover from Canada! I have a passion for books that I would love to share with the people of the Internet so sometimes I ramble about them endlessly to a camera and then put it on the internet for your viewing enjoyment.


Nathan, 21 ans, tombé dans les livres alors qu'il mesurait à peine 1mm et demi, écrivain en herbe, futur librairie, éditeur, Participantactifaumondedulivre, blogueur ... et booktubeur ! BIENVENUE !


Een kanaal over literatuur met boekbesprekingen, literatuurgeschiedenis, video's over auteurs en literatuurwetenschap.

Why we read

Belgian news websites