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Suwanya Saksombat

Khun Suwanya grew up in the country-side nearby a river and close to nature. As a child she fell in love with storytelling and eventually decided to enroll herself in the field of Arts (painting). In 2016, she received an opportunity to study in Santiniketan (India), a peaceful abode blessed with nature. It was there that she first started spending time being intimate with nature and its teachings. Eventually these experiences motivated her to explore her own pigments and materials, borrowing from nature its essence, such as making color, brushes, and paper.

Khun Suwanya then commenced her thesis on color in 'A Journey of Natural Color from Thailand to India'. After graduation she returned to Thailand to a cozy studio and a garden in Salaya, Nakhon Pathom, where she practices and explores art as a holistic lifestyle. These days Khun Suwanya works full-time as a color maker, gardener, and illustrator sometimes.