Sensor Nodes

The AQ sensor nodes and AQ monitoring instruments currently being installed are the following (mentioned alphabetically):

A dence network of AQ nodes is installed in Thessaloniki, monitoring NO2, CO, O3, PM10, PM2.5, Temperature, RH and Atm. Pressure. Current measurements are available at

The AQ Pod measures NO, NO2, SO2, O3, RH, T and Atm. Pressure. More information is made available at the AQmesh web site. The Pod has been lented to us by the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) . Access to measurements requires login.

A complete node for monitoring gaseous pollutants, particles as well as meteorological conditions (a collaboration with

The Aeroqual set of instruments are part of the AID Real Time Air Quality Monitoring System developed by kartECO in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The PA-II: Dual Laser Air Sensor of PurpleAir is using a PM particlue counter from Plantower and the BME280 environmental sensor from Bosch sensortec for air temperature, relative humidity and pressure monitoring. Data are made available via the internet (a collaboration with Dotsoft S.A.).

This is an integrated sensor node monitoring concentrations of particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10, temperature, air pressure and humidity. Data are available via an interactive map and via the wollowing widget:

The devices that have been installed and tested in the past and are now uninstalled/offline are the following:

The AQY 1 - Micro Air Quality Monitoring System of Aeroqual is designed to be used as a single device or deployed in a network of monitors in an urban environment. This sensor node is monitoring PM2.5 PM10, O3, NO2, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Dew point. More information is available here.

It measures PM1, PM2.5, PM10, Temperature and Relative Humidity every 1 minute

This is a prototype created in the frame of a MSc project conducted at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, measuring PM2.5, PM10-2.5 , Temperature and Relative Humidity. A related paper is available at (currently offline)

This is a sensor node consisting of Plug & Sense! SE-PRO WiFi (SEP-W), Ozone (O3) [Calibrated] Probe (9374-P), Nitric Dioxide (NO2) [Calibrated] (High Accuracy) Probe (9376-HA-P), Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Probe (9370-P), 6600mA·h rechargeable battery + 220V adaptor (6600-220V)

This is an AQ node developed by the ENEA (The Italian Agency for New technologies, Energy and Environment), Portici Research Center, Naples, Italy (node is operational and is currently tested for mobile measurements)

This is an AQ node developed by Monitar, Portugal, that monitors PM10, O3, NO2 and CO (

This is an IoT environmental monitoing station for your home use. Has been developed do support citizen science and educational projects.

This is a cost-effective AQT420 is an air quality transmitter that measures up to four most common gaseous pollutants (NO2, SO2, CO, and ozone O3) and weather data, such as humidity, air pressure and temperature, plus particles (PM2.5 and PM10) in the ambient air. More information available in this and in this link