Algorithm Design

We will explore Algorithm Design by using block-based coding through the Sphero SPRK+ app called SpheroEdu. Our challenge for this hour is to learn how to code your SPRK+ to go through the maze. You will be utilizing all of the different stages of Computational Thinking but we will be reflecting on when Algorithm Design is happening.

Please Bring:

What we are Using:

Online Version:

Mobile Device (Android or iOS) or

iPad or


SpheroEdu App (Android)

SpheroEdu App (iOS)

SpheroEdu App (Chromebook)

Tickle (iOS)

SpheroEdu (Web-version)

Slides & Handouts

Algorithm Design

SPRK+ X Computational Thinking - Algorithm Worksheet
FISA Presentation - Sphero Edu

There are many different robots that are available for you to consider using in your classrooms. Sphero SPRK+ is one type but you are not restricted to using just one particular type of robot with coding to achieve Computational Thinking. Here is a list of other robots that you might want to consider to use in your classroom with some details for you in your decision making:

What other devices can I use in my classroom?












Coding Type

Block Coding

Block Coding

Block Coding

Python Coding

Block Coding

Block/Text Coding

Block/Text Coding

Block Coding

Block Coding

Block Coding


There are multiple Apps available that can also connect to these devices such as Tynker and Tickle.

Notes about using SpheroEdu in your Classroom

1. Students must be 13+ to have an account.

2. You can create classes and add students to your roster.

3. You can push assignments to them and track their progress.

4. You can create customized assignments for students.

5. Devices stay charged for 60 minutes of continuous play

6. Students must use a Chromebook, Android device or iOS device to connect to the SPRK+
