Welcome to Montauk I.S. 223
December 11: Family Picture Night
Families can request a digital learning device at https://is223.tiny.us/devicerequest
T-Mobile no-cost internet for eligible students and families
I.S. 223 uses Yondr to create a phone-free space for students during the school day.
Learn more at is223.tiny.us/yondrinfo.
Announcements and Updates
News and Information
In-Person STEM-focused events for families in October, January, and May.
Visit urbanadvantagenyc.org for more information.
2024 High School Admissions Timeline for Students Entering 9th Grade in 2025
TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 2024: High School Application, LaGuardia Application, and Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) Registration Opens
FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2024: SHSAT Registration Closes
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30, 2024: SHSAT School Day Testing
SATURDAY/SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16-17, 2024: SHSAT Testing (8th grade students not participating in school day testing)
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, 2024: High School Application Closes
THURSDAY MARCH 6, 2025: High School Offer Release
Parents and Families: NYC Schools Accounts!
Use your NYCSA (NYC Schools Account) to view your child's progress and receive important information. Go to https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/ (formerly mystudent.nyc)
Reset your child's DOE Account (nycstudents.net) password from your NYCSA account!
If you are asked for an access code, please contact info@is223montauk.org
Digital Learning Devices for Students
Families: Complete the device request form at https://is223.tiny.us/devicerequest
T-Mobile no-cost internet for eligible students and families
Respect for All
Information from the NYC DOE at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/school-environment/respect-for-all/respect-for-all-handouts
Chancellor's Letter to Families (ALL LANGUAGES)
Get weekly updates from the NYC DOE at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/about-us/messages-for-families (all languages).
Internet Service for Families
See program offerings here.
Dr. Utz's Resources Page
Resources for our school community from Dr. Utz.
NPR.org: Can a middle school class help scientists create a cooler place to play?
Respect for All
Information from the NYC DOE at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/school-environment/respect-for-all/respect-for-all-handouts
Parents and Families: NYC Schools Accounts!
Use your NYCSA (NYC Schools Account) to view your child's progress and receive important information. Go to https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/ (formerly mystudent.nyc)
Reset your child's DOE Account (nycstudents.net) password from your NYCSA account!
If you are asked for an access code, please contact our school.
Dr. Utz's Resources Page
We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.), Level AA(Open external link). If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please call (718) 438-0155 or email <info@is223montauk.org>.