Kindergarten-2nd grade Weekly Lessons

~ Welcome, here you can find  Lessons below,  on different topics. The lessons can be taught by classroom teachers, counseling staff, or used at home with your student~

Bullying Lesson 1

Bullying Lesson 2

Bullying Lesson 3

THe Recess Queen Lesson

 Watch video and share with someone how Mean Jean changed from the beginning to the end.  

Then tell them why you feel she changed? 

Gratitude Lesson

Gratitude: Being Thankful for what we have. 

My Gratitude Jar is a book on being thankful for the things we have. 

Kid President with a video on Being Thankful and what it means.

Goal Setting Lesson

What's a GOAL???   How do I set one???

Mindfulness Lesson

Helping Ourselves to Calm 

KIndness Lesson 1

 During the holiday seasons, there are a lot of kind acts being done for others. 

This video reiterates how to be kind and what it means, so you can do this all year long. 

Kindness Lesson 2

Kindness-Bingo WInter BReak.pdf

Listening Lesson 

In this video, Mojo from classdojo, learns that a good friend listens first to friends and learns that our behaviors and actions affects those around us. 

Listening Lesson 3

 When we are good listeners, this helps us for when we grow up to become good talkers to others. It's an important skill to for us to learn at an early age and, like a muscle, it needs regular exercise to grow stronger. 


LNE Leaders, we are always  focusing on Kindness and what it means to be Kind. Do you know what it means to be kind? Share with a family member, your pet, a friend, a stuffed animal. 

When you are kind this means you are being friendly, thinking of others, sharing, helping others, and being there for someone when they are sad, or need a friend. 

Listen to the story called " The Jelly Donut Difference" read to you  by the author. It is about a brother and a sister, who learn about kindness: 

Once you have listened to the story, you will find a donut next to the author video. On the donut, there are SPRINKLES. Try to see if you can name as many different ways to show kindness, as there are sprinkles on the donut. 

Bucket Filler Lesson

This story is about an invisible bucket that we all have. Our bucket is where we hold all of our good thoughts about ourselves, and where others hold the good things we say to them and do for them. How full is your bucket??

Remember your bucket is invisible and it is how we feel about ourselves. If our bucket is full we have good thoughts about ourselves, where if our bucket is empty, then we are not thinking good things. Others have invisible buckets too, and all day long we are either adding drops to others buckets, or we are dipping into their buckets. Below is a Bucket Filler activity. See if you can think of two ways that you can be a bucket filler. You can draw a bucket at home, and decorate it anyway you want and then list two ways to be a bucket filler. 


Listening Lesson 4

Below is a nature walk listening activity. See if you can get a check mark for all the things you are listening for. Here's another idea, mark what else you do hear on your paper, while on your walk. Remember this the next time, you are having a conversation with others. Really focus on listening to them first, before responding.


Growth Mindset Lesson 1

In this lesson we are going to begin to learn about what it means to have a "Growth Mindset".  Having a Growth Mindset, you would believe that your most basic abilities could be better by you working hard and staying dedicated on working hard.  Our brains and being good at something,  are just the starting point, to grow we have to work hard, and stay dedicated. 

In the video below, our class dojo friend Mojo, discovers a secret about his brain. Mojo loves school especially math, until one day in class, the math was not as easy for him as it once was. His friend introduces Growth Mindset to him, and how this would work with his new math struggle. When you are done watching the video, think of something that you want to practice Growth Mindset with. You can use the Goal sheet that is below as a guide. When you have something you want to grow in, it helps to make a plan for how you can get there. A example could be Goal: better at math, Plan: work on math facts, ask for help when stuck on a math problem, use strategies. 

1. What was the biggest challenge you faced today? 

2. How can you and I think about these challenges in a new way?

3. What can we do differently tomorrow if we face similar challenges?

My goals.docx

Growth Mindset Lesson 2

 Remember, The concept of growth mindset has been around for a while.  It means that if you truly believe you can push through a challenge, you will do it.  Kids who pull back from challenges believed their abilities cannot improve, this is a fixed mindset.  A growth mindset is not set in stone.  We all have a mixture of fixed and growth mindsets that change based on our experiences and the feedback we get.  Having a growth mindset means more than accepting feedback, it means learning and growing from our experiences.

What does the phrase “mistakes can make you smarter,” mean to you?

Think of a recent mistake you made. What happened? How could you learn from it?

If you were working on a project and kept making mistakes, what would you do?

Growth Mindset Lesson 4

We have been talking about what it means to have a Growth Mindset for the last couple of weeks. Let's review, to have a growth mindset, this means, that even when something is hard for you, you tell yourself " I can't get this YET, but I am going to keep trying" and you do just that, you keep trying. Remember our brains are like a muscle, and the more you use your brain to try things that are hard, the more you are strengthening your brain to grow and get better at what you are working on that is hard. 

It is like riding a bike. Maybe you started out with training wheels on your bike, because you could not ride the bike without the extra support YET, but the more you practiced on your bike, the better you got, so that eventually, you could ride your bike without training wheels. 

Growth Mindset Lesson 5

We have been learning a lot about Growth Mindset, and what it means to have a growth mindset. In order for our brains to learn how to do hard things, we have to train it. We train it by working through something when it is hard, and not giving up. Below is a story about a giraffe named Gerald. Gerald can't dance, and the other animals in the jungle tells him this all the time. Gerald, finally gets advice from a friend, who teaches him that he can dance, and it may not look like how everyone else dances, but this is his way of dancing. 

Career Awareness Lesson 1

Do you know what a career is? A career is another way of saying a job. Think about all the careers or jobs you see in a day. At school we have teachers, principals, a nurse, a school counselor, custodians, and cafeteria workers! Think about what career you would like to have. If you are not sure, think about activities you enjoy and about things that interest you. No matter what career you choose, you must work well with others, be a good listener, good at following the directions, and have math and reading skills. School is a great place for you to learn all of these things!! 

As you listen to the story below " Maybe you should fly a jet, maybe you should be a vet", notice all of the careers mentioned. Is there special clothing that has to be worn,  or a special vehicle or equipment that has to be used? Looking at the pictures in the story will help you learn more about the career mentioned. 

Career Awareness Lesson 2

Below you will find a video that goes over a lot of careers. See if there are any careers that you have never heard about before. Is there a special uniform the person has to wear, do they work outside/inside, do they work with people or animals? 

Use the clues in the video to help you solve the Mystery Career. Have FUN!!! 

Career Awareness Lesson 3

When you think of this word, what comes to your mind? Is it careers that you have learned about, or is what you want to be when you grow up, or does cause you to excited because you now know that there are SO MANY amazing careers out there. The possibilities are endless!! 

Enjoy the video below, it is another "Who Am I" career video. In this video you will get to learn about so many amazing careers. As you watch this video, and a new career comes up, see if you can figure out the career, before it is mentioned!! Have FUN :) 

Perseverance Lesson 

This is a pretty big word. Do you know what it means? It means to not give up, to keep going, even when it is hard. Right now, you may be ready for school to be all done, and for summer break to begin. We are so very close to the end of the school year, but we are not there yet. We have to keep going, working hard, and showing PERSEVERANCE. Below is a video of a book being read aloud. The book is called " The Most Magnificent thing". It is about a little girl and her best friend, her dog. The little girl loves to create and make things, and one day she had an idea, about something she really wanted to create. The problem was, that she could not get it just right at first. The little girl showed perseverance, and kept working hard, and eventually she created something "magnificent".

Summer Safety Lesson

General Summer Safety Tips : Wear a helmet when riding a bike or scooter . Look both ways when crossing the street . Stay with an adult when around water.  Wear a lifejacket that fits correctly when on a boat - don't rely on arm floaties or rafts.  Wear sunscreen and reapply often.  Stranger Danger- Never go anywhere with a stranger. Instead, run straight home and tell an adult. Tell an adult where you are going when you leave home, and  Be back home before your curfew . On hot days stay in the shade and drink lots of water . Wear sunscreen at all times in the sun. 

Summer Safety 

 Below is a summer book about the first day of summer break !! 

Also, below, there is a video with the Berenstain Bears. Brother Bear and Sister Bear, learn all about safety around strangers-someone that you do not know.