3rd-5th grade weekly lessons

~~ Welcome, here you can find  Lessons below,  on different topics. The lessons can be taught by classroom teachers, counseling staff, or used at home with your student~

Bullying Lesson 1

Bullying Lesson 2

Bullying Choice Board Directions:

Choose an activity off the Bullying Choice Board and complete the chosen activity. Do you like a challenge? Try and complete one activity each week. You goal is to try to get a Tic Tac Toe.

 Gratitude Lesson

Being thankful for what we have.

Watch the Kid President Video

 Try to see if you can get a BINGO by completing Acts of Kindness

Kindness Day Bingo 2020 - Sheet1.pdf

Goal Setting Lesson

What's a goal? How do I make a good goal for me??

Mindfulness Breathing 

Kindness Lesson 1

 During the holiday season we see others doing a lot of caring acts for others. The attached videos reiterate how to be caring, and color your own world with kindness, all year long.  Kindness Bingo is below, if you want to get started.

Kindness Lesson 2

Watch the Kid President Kindness Video

Complete the Kind Acts BINGO Board

Complete the Winter Break Scavenger Hunt

Kindness-Bingo WInter BReak.pdf

Continuing a lesson on Listening First: Good reminder, to truly know what to do and say, listening to what is being said first is most helpful. 

 Listening Skills. When we are good listeners, this helps us for when we grow up to become good talkers to others. It's an important skill to for us to learn at an early age and, like a muscle, it needs regular exercise to grow stronger. 

Kindness. Below you will hear a story read by the author of a book called " The Jelly Donut Difference", it is about two siblings who learn how to show an act of kindness for an elderly neighbor. Once you have heard the story, you can complete the activity next to the story. Challenge yourself this week, on doing acts of kindness for others, without expecting to get anything in return, that is a TRUE act of kindness. 

Just like you see SPRINKLES on this donut, think of each sprinkle as an "act of KINDNESS" . For each sprinkle represented on the donut, see if you can name a way to show KINDNESS.

"How Full Is Your Bucket" - This story is about how we each have an invisible bucket and all day long we are either filling up each others buckets, or we are taking a drop out of others buckets by what we say to others and how we treat others. The question is: Are you a bucket filler or a bucker dipper??

Bucket Filling. Below in the crossword puzzle, is review on bucket filling. Make sure you have viewed the story above, so that you can fill out the croosword puzzle below. Have fun!! Remember you and everyone else has an invisible bucket, and it is where we hold our good thoughts about ourselves. Be a bucket filler NOT a bucket dipper!! 

Crossword-Bucket Filling.pdf

"Listening to others, and Working well in Groups". Some great reminders for these topics are: I take time to listen to my peers and adults, When a conflict happens I look for a solution, I wait my turn, and I listen to other’s feelings and use kind words. Below is a listening activity for you to complete. In this activity, it serves as a reminder to us all on how we use our WHOLE body to be a good listener. 

We have another great video you can watch from Class Dojo on "The Golden Rule" - treat others the way you want to be treated. This so important when working in groups and interacting with others EX: If you want someone to be kind to you, you need to be kind to them. Video link : https://vid.ly/4k4y2f

After you view the video, think about and discuss these questions with a family member, a friend, or even a pet at home : What does it mean to add to your piggy bank, and how do you do it? 2. What is the Golden Rule? 3. Share about the last time you added to your piggy bank .

Listening Document Fill in the Blanks.docx

Check out your listening Skills. Below is a nature walk listening activity. See if you can get a check mark for all the things you are listening for. Here's another idea, mark what else you do hear on your paper, while on your walk. Remember this the next time you are having a conversation with others. Really focus on listening to them first, before responding. 

Also below is "Check out your listening". This is an activity where you can see, how well you do at listening. Use this activity as a way to see how YOU can improve on listening when talking and interacting with others. We can all do better, so don't worry if you don't get a lot of check marks. 

check out your listening WS.pdf

Continuing with Listening Skills. Reminder practicing our listening skills helps us to talk/communicate with others better. When we really listen to the person who is talking to us, before giving an answer, this helps us to really understand what they are saying and what is going on. Also when we take the time to listen to others and what is important to them, and understand it is not always just about what WE have to say or share, this helps our friendships to grow. 

Listen to the story below from class dojo. Mojo, is the monster of the day in school. Instead of using this in a positive way, he lets this interfere with him getting along with others, and listening to his friends, and what they feel. After watching this video, remind yourself, to not be like Mojo in the beginning, but to be someone who works on listening first before answering and responding to others. 

Setting a Goal for Myself. " Growth Mindset"

In this lesson, the focus is on setting goals, and strengthening our Mindset- the way we think. It is always so  important to continue to work hard, even when things are hard. Setting a goal is one way to do that, it helps you to stay focused. Take a moment to watch Mojo, our class dojo friend in this video. 

Mojo is struggling with school work, and he is beginning to learn how we can begin to train our brain, through having  a GROWTH MINDSET. Growth Mindset is- believing that our most basic abilities can be developed and strengthen  through not giving up and using hard work. With the worksheet below, you can use this as a guide to think of three things that you want to get better at. Write those down on a piece of paper, and then brainstorm ways that you can start to reach that goal. If you need help, reach out to your teacher, someone at home, or another adult at school.

.1. What was the biggest challenge you faced

today? (Ask your child, and then have them ask you back)

2. How can you and I think about these

challenges in a new way?

3. What can we do differently tomorrow if we

face similar challenges?

My goals.docx

Continuing with Growth Mindset. ~ Remember, The concept of growth mindset has been around for a while.  It means that if you truly believe you can push through a challenge, you will do it.  Kids who pull back from challenges believed their abilities cannot improve, this is a fixed mindset.  A growth mindset is not set in stone.  We all have a mixture of fixed and growth mindsets that change based on our experiences and the feedback we get.  Having a growth mindset means more than accepting feedback, it means learning and growing from our experiences.

Career Awareness

Do you know what a career is? A career is another way of saying a job. Think about all the careers or jobs you see in a day. At school we have teachers, principals, a nurse, a school counselor, custodians, and cafeteria workers! Think about what career you would like to have. If you are not sure, think about activities you enjoy and about things that interest you. No matter what career you choose, you must work well with others, be a good listener, good at following the directions, and have math and reading skills. School is a greta place to practice all of these skills. Below you will see three videos from people who took their interests, things that they liked to do,  to look for a career where they could use those skills everyday. What things interest you? Do you enjoy art, reading, math, working with people, helping???? The career possibilities are ENDLESS :)

CAREERS. Below you will find a video on Mystery careers. As you watch the video, follow the clues to help you see if you can solve the mystery career before, the career is uncovered. Pay close attention to all that is needed for that career. Maybe things you are interested in, will be mentioned. People usually pick a certain career because it is something they are interested in. Ex: working with animals, working with children,  or they may like math.

 Careers?? When you think of this word, what comes to your mind? Is it careers that you have learned about, or is what you want to be when you grow up, or does cause you to excited because you now know that there are SO MANY amazing careers out there. The possibilities are endless!! 

Enjoy the video below, it is another "Who Am I" career video. In this video you will get to learn about so many amazing careers. As you watch this video, and a new career comes up, see if you can figure out the career, before it is mentioned!! Have FUN :)

After you view the "Who Am I" video , Complete the free career inventory. If you are not sure what you want to be when you grow up, this can be a good tool to use. Follow the directions at the top.


Perseverance. This is a pretty big word. Do you know what it means? It means to not give up, to keep going, even when it is hard. Right now, you may be ready for school to be all done, and for summer break to begin. Our fifth grade students, many are ready to begin their new adventure in middle school.

We have to always  keep going, working hard, and showing PERSEVERANCE. Complete your assignments to the best of your ability, hand in work on time, show up for school ready to learn. 

In the video below, called " Never Give Up" a girl and her dad, never give up on their goal and dream.

SUMMER BREAK Below are some general summer safety rules to keep you safe. 

General Summer Safety Tips : Wear a helmet when riding a bike or scooter . Look both ways when crossing the street . Stay with an adult when around water.  Wear a lifejacket that fits correctly when on a boat - don't rely on arm floaties or rafts.  Wear sunscreen and reapply often.  Stranger Danger- Never go anywhere with a stranger. Instead, run straight home and tell an adult. Tell an adult where you are going when you leave home, and  Be back home before your curfew . On hot days stay in the shade and drink lots of water . Wear sunscreen at all times in the sun.