Day 1 - 18 May

In-country workshops (By invitation only) | East Africa Time (GMT+3)


Arrivals and Registration


Opening Session

  • Welcome remarks - Country Chair

  • Aims and objectives of the workshops and next steps

  • Program structure and expected outputs and deliverables - Country Chair


Brief Introductions


Opening Remarks

  • Abdelbagi Ismail, IRRI Regional Representative for Africa – ‘Working Together for a Rice Secure Africa‘

  • Yusuke Haneishi, General Coordinator, CARD Secretariat – ‘Implementing National Rice Research and Development Strategies (NRDS) in Eastern Africa: Progress and Pitfalls’


Keynote Speech

  • Representative from Ministry of Agriculture – ‘Operationalizing Inclusive and Sustainable Country Rice Sector Development Strategy’




Technical Parallel Sessions 1 Small group discussions

  • Stream A – National Rice Research and Development

  • Stream B – Inclusive Markets & Value Chains

  • Stream C – Rice-based Livelihoods; Gender and Youth Integration


Lunch Break


Technical Parallel Sessions 1 Continuation of small group discussions

  • Stream A – National Rice Research and Development

  • Stream B – Inclusive Markets & Value Chains

  • Stream C – Rice-based Livelihoods; Gender and Youth Integration


Presentation of summaries




Technical Parallel Sessions 2 Small group discussions

  • Stream D – Integrated Rice Sector Development in a Changing Climate

  • Stream E – Inclusive Finance & Investment

  • Stream F – Agricultural Policy Processes & Reforms




Technical Parallel Sessions 2 Continuation of small group discussions

  • Stream D – Integrated Rice Sector Development in a Changing Climate

  • Stream E – Inclusive Finance & Investment

  • Stream F – Agricultural Policy Processes & Reforms


Presentation of summaries

Day 2 - 19 May

Virtual | East Africa Time (GMT+3)

8:30 - 10:00

Opening Program

Chair: Temina Lalani Shariff, IRRI Advocacy & Brand Director

Opening Remarks | Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Chair, EARC 2021 and IRRI Regional Representative for Africa

Keynote messages

  • Rice self-sufficiency will help Africa feed itself

Agnes Kalibata, CARD Secretariat Director and AGRA President

  • Grains of Hope: The untapped potential of rice for food and economic security in East Africa

Kanayo Nwanze, CGIAR Special Representative to the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

Video | Regional Partners’ Statement

10:00 - 11:00

Plenary Session 1

Challenges and Opportunities for Accelerating and Sustaining Rice Self-Sufficiency in Eastern Africa

Chair: Ajay Kohli, IRRI Research Director

Keynote Presentations

  • Building Back Better after COVID-19: How do rice-based agri-food systems in SSA come back stronger, better, and more economically inclusive?
    Harold Roy-Macauley, AfricaRice Director General

  • Lessons Learned: Drawing on partnerships in rice research to build future-ready rice-based food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Jean Balié, IRRI Director General

  • Partnership through SSC and its contribution shaping the rice sector in Eastern Africa
    David Phiri, FAO Sub-regional Coordinator for East Africa

11:00 - 12:30

Chair: Yusuke Haneishi, General Coordinator, CARD Secretariat

Presentation by the countries | National Rice Policy/Strategy and feedback from the country discussions

  • Esayas Hayi, Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia

  • Mary Mutembei, Head of Rice Promotion Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya

  • Geofrey Maregesi, Principal Agric. Engineer, Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania

  • Patience Rwamigisa, Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Uganda

  • Jean Claude Mbarushimana, Advisor to Minister’s Cabinet, Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, Burundi

  • Charles Murekezi, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

Brief reflections

  • Ernest Ruzindaza, Senior Economist, World Bank

  • Sara Mbago-Bhunu, Regional Director, East and Southern Africa, International Fund for Agriculture Development

  • Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, Deputy Secretary General, East African Community Secretariat

Video | EARC Technical Sessions (Streams A-C)

12:30 - 13:30

Special Segment | Platinum Sponsor - Kubota

Stream A – Rice Research & Development

Stream B – Inclusive Markets & Value Chains

Stream C – Rice-based Livelihoods; Gender and Youth Integration

13:30 - 15:00

Session A1

Innovations in Rice Mechanization and Postharvest: Adapting to African Conditions

Chair: Dr. Etienne Duveiller, Director Research for Development (D4RD), AfricaRice


  • Mechanization and Postharvest of Rice: Could lessons learned in Asia be useful for Africa? - Engr. Martin Gummert, Senior Scientist, International Rice Research Institute


  • Prof. Christopher Kanali, Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

  • Dr. Joseph Mpagalile, Agricultural Engineer (Sustainable Mechanization), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Q&A and take away messages

Session B1

Rice Commercialization and Livelihood Outcomes

Chair: Dr. John Thompson, CEO, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa Programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium and Senior Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom


  • Rice Commercialization and Livelihood Outcomes: Key Trends and Lessons from Ethiopia and Tanzania - Dr. Aida Isinika, Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture and APRA, Tanzania


  • Dr. Paul Amaza, University of Jos, Nigeria

  • Mr. Julius Wambura, Chairman, Rice Council of Tanzania

Q&A and take away messages

Session C1

Gendered livelihood dynamics in rice-based food systems

Session C1

Gendered livelihood dynamics in rice-based food systems

Chair: Dr. Gaudiose Mujawamariya, Country Representative, Madagascar and Rice Value Chain Expert and Gender Focal Point, AfricaRice


  • Gender Equality and Sustainable Rice Agri-food Systems Transformation in Africa: Nurturing Synergies -Dr. Ranjitha Puskur, Senior Scientist, International Rice Research Institute, IRRI Country Representative to India, and IRRI Research Leader for Gender and Livelihoods


  • Dr. Thelma Akongo, Gender and social safeguards, National Agricultural Research Organisation Uganda

  • Dr. Steven Cole, Senior Scientist (Gender Specialist), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Q&A and take away messages

15:00 - 16:30

Session A2

Establishing Regional Centres of Excellence for Rice R&D

Chair: Mr. Shinjiro Amameishi, Deputy Director General, Economic Devt Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency


  • PRiDe Project and Regional Rice Research and Training Center in Uganda - Dr. Jiro Nozaka, Chief Advisor, Promotion of Rice Development Project Phase 2 (PRiDe II), Japan International Cooperation Agency

  • The Contribution of Rice of Excellence to National and Regional Rice Productivity - Dr. Atugonza Bilaro, TARI Ifakara Centre Manager


  • Dr. John Kimani, CEO, KALRO-Mtwapa

  • Dr. Shuichi Asanuma, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency

  • Dr. Biswanath Das, NARES Coordinator, CGIAR-EiB Platform

Q&A and take away messages

Session B2

Marketing and Value Addition: The Experience of Rice Processors

Chair: Mr. Gem Argwings-Kodhek, Consultant, Agribusiness and Investments


  • The role of small-scale processors in supporting agricultural commercialisation among smallholder rice farmers in East Africa: Lessons from Ethiopia and Tanzania - Dr. Dawit Alemu, Manager, Bilateral Ethio-Netherlands Effort for Food, Income and Trade (BENEFIT) Partnership and Country Lead for Ethiopia, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa Programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium

  • Marketing & Value addition "The Experience of Rice Processors in Uganda" - Philip Idro, Ambassador, Upland Rice Millers Company Limited


  • Dr. Edgar Twine, Associate Principal Scientist, AfricaRice

  • Dr. Ruth Musila, Plant Breeder - Rice and Maize, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

Q&A and take away messages

Session C2

Jobs and Employment Opportunities in the Rice Sector: Opportunities for Entrepreneurships for Youth

Session C2

Jobs and Employment Opportunities in the Rice Sector: Opportunities for Entrepreneurships for Youth

Chair: Dr. Tom Anyonge, Lead Technical Specialist in Youth, International Fund for Agricultural Development


  • Youth Opportunities in Agriculture in Africa - Dr. Mastewal Yami, Researcher and Consultant (Agricultural Policies, Institutions, and Social inclusion)


  • Prof. Ntengua Mdoe, Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture

  • Wangari Kuria, Founder, Farmer on Fire

  • Dr. Mandiaye Diagne, Value Chain Specialist, AfricaRice

Q&A and take away messages

Day 3 - 20 May

Virtual | East Africa Time (GMT+3)

8:30 - 10:00

Plenary Session 2

Supporting Policy and Investment in National and Regional Rice Sector Development

Chair: Gerald Masila, Executive Director, East African Grain Council

Keynote Presentations

  • Promoting Integrated Rice Sector Development in EAC Region

Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, Deputy Secretary General, East African Community Secretariat

  • Supporting National and Regional Rice Sector Development through CARD: Experiences of JICA

Tadashi Sato, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency

  • Operationalization of East Africa Rice Development Strategy

Rachel Ajambo Musasizi, Manager, Kilimo Trust and CARI-EA Program Team Leader


  • Stephen Muchiri, East Africa Farmers Federation

  • Antony Waweru, CEO, Mwea Rice Growers Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. (MRGM)

  • Charles Murekezi, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

  • Michael Kairumba, Director, Cross-Border Trade & Market Systems; East Africa Market Systems Activity, USAID-Palladium

Video | EARC Technical Sessions (Streams D-F)

10:00 - 11:00


Stream D – Integrated Rice Sector Development in a Changing Climate

Stream E – Inclusive Finance & Investment

Stream F – Agricultural Policy Reforms (Production, Nutrition, & Market)

11:00 - 12:30

Session D1

Integrated Rice Seed Sector Development: Country Experiences

Chair: Dr. Dawit Alemu, Manager, Bilateral Ethio-Netherlands Effort for Food, Income and Trade (BENEFIT) Partnership and Country Lead for Ethiopia, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa Programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium


  • Dr. Miltone Ayieko, Executive Director, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development at Egerton University

  • Regional Cooperation in Seed Sector: Seed without Border? - Dr. Umesh Singh, South Asia Advisor for Research & Partnerships, International Rice Research Institute


  • Dr. James Onsando, Seed Systems Consultant

  • Dr. Sidi Sanyang, Program Leader Rice Sector Development, AfricaRice

Q&A and take away messages

Session E1

Improving Access to Credit & Finance for Small Producers and Processors

Chair: Dr. Hannington Odame, Executive Director, Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship


  • Improving Access to Credit for Smallholder Producers and Processors: Lessons from Mwea - Dr. Timothy Njagi, Research Fellow, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development

  • Improving Access to Credit & Finance for Small Producers and Producers and Processors - Ms. Sarah EL OUADILIi, Senior Investment Officer, African Development Bank


  • Esther Muiruri, MBA - Associate Director-Food and Agriculture Banking, Equity Bank

  • Mr. Mzee Kilele, Strategic Planning and Policy Manager, Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank

Q&A and take away messages

Session F1

Agriculture Policy Reforms and Foresight - Production, Value Chains & Market

Chair: Dr. Valerien Pede, Head of Impact Evaluation, Foresight and Policy, International Rice Research Institute


  • Moving toward rice self-sufficiency in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030: Lessons learned from 10 years of the Coalition for African Rice Development - Dr. Aminou Arouna, Policy, Innovation System and Impact Assessment Program Leader, AfricaRice

  • Upgrading rice value chains in Africa: Lessons learned from 15 years of policy research - Dr. Matty Demont, Research Leader - Markets, Consumers, & Nutrition, International Rice Research Institute

Brief reflections

  • Mr. Douglas Kangi, Director, Crops Resources Agribusiness and Market Development (CRAMD, MoALF&C(, Kenya

  • Dr. Kathiresan Arumugam, CARD Secretariat In-charge of East African countries

Q&A and take away messages

12:30 - 12:45

Rice-Based Recipes Cooking Show
Showcasing African Rice Varieties

12:45 - 13:30

Special Presentation

Biofortification from Discovery to Delivery: Building a Case for Healthier Rice in Africa
Russell Reinke, Program Lead - Healthier Rice, International Rice Research Institute

13:30 - 14:30

Special Side Event | Silver Sponsor - Softbank Corp.

AI-powered "e-kakashi" toward the digital transformation of agriculture
Takashi Togami, Deputy Director of Data Solution Department, SoftBank Corp.

14:30 - 16:00

Session D2

Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience in Local & National Rice Systems to cope with Climate Change

Chair: Dr. Jon Hellin, Platform Leader, Sustainable Impact through Rice-based Systems, International Rice Research Institute


  • System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Summary of Progress Made in Africa - Prof. Bancy Mati, Professor, Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

  • A challenge for improving fertilizer management to simultaneously cope with nutrient deficiency and climate-induced stresses for lowland rice production in Madagascar - Dr. Yasuhiro Tsujimoto, Project Leader, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences


  • Mr. Vincent Kipngetich, CEO, National Irrigation Authority, Kenya

  • Dr. Kazuki Saito, Agronomist, AfricaRice

Q&A and take away messages

Session E2

Rice Sector Financing & Public-Private Partnerships

Chair: Mr. Hiroshi Hiraoka, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency


  • Leveraging Private Sector Finance for Rice in West Africa - Mr. Christopher Brett, Lead Agribusiness Specialist, World Bank

  • The Role of Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Improving Service Delivery and Governance in the Rice Sector of Kenya - Dr. Mulat Demeke, Senior Policy Consultant for FAO Zimbabwe


  • Dr. Paul Omanga, Chief Officer, Agriculture, Kisumu County, Kenya

  • Mr. Baba Robert, Senior Manager/Head Upstream SBU, The Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending

Q&A and take away messages

Session F2

Rice, Dietary Changes, and Household Food & Nutrition Security

Chair: Prof. Ruth Khasaya Oniang’o, Founder, Rural Outreach Africa


  • The role of rice millers in food systems transformation - implications for integrated policy making - Ms. Siobhan Kelly, Agribusiness Economist, FAO

  • Rice and Nutrition: Myths and Truth - Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu, IRRI Research Unit Leader for Consumer-Driven Grain Quality & Nutrition


  • Prof. Joyce Kinabo, Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture

  • Dr. Sali Atanga Ndindeng, Associate Principal Scientist, AfricaRice

  • Mr. Edward Katende, CEO, Uganda Agribusiness Alliance

Q&A and take away messages

16:00 - 17:00

Plenary Session 3

Chair: Dr. John Thompson, CEO, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa Programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium and Senior Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom

Panel discussion

  • Eng. Jean Claude Mbarushimana, Advisor to Minister’s Cabinet, Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, Burundi

  • Mr. Abebe Haile, Manager, FN Integrated Agriculture PLC, Ethiopia

  • Dr. Mary Mutembei, Head of Rice Promotion Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya

  • Ms. Kayitesi Claudine, Ag. Crop Production Supply Chain and Market Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture & Animal Resources, Rwanda

  • Mr. Julius Wambura, Chair, Rice Council of Tanzania, Tanzania

  • Ms. Rachel Mbabazi, Chairperson, Rice Association of Uganda, Uganda

Vote of thanks | Dr. Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Chair, EARC 2021 and IRRI Regional Representative for Africa