Daily Schedules & Routines

BE SAFE, BE KIND, BE RESPONSIBLE: We're all in this together #onefamily

Wearing Masks to School

  1. Students are expected to wear masks while in school.

  2. There may be opportunities for Mask Breaks that will be a part of each classroom's daily routine.

  3. You may find a Social Story to support your child wearing a mask here.

Arrival Procedures: All Students

  1. Walkers and car riders will wait in socially distanced lines out front.

  2. Walkers & car riders will enter one grade level at a time and report to grade level hallways.

  3. Students who ride busses will enter through the doors by the gym hallway.

  4. The busses' arrival will be staggered, with the latest anticipated arrival occurring at approximately 8:45 am.

Dismissal Procedures: Walkers

  1. Dismissal will begin at 3:00.

  2. Students in grades 3rd- 6th will exit through the doors at the end of the first floor A-wing hallway (NE doors).

  3. Students in Pre-K through 2nd grade will exit through the doors at the end of the first floor B-wing hallway (NW doors).

  4. Older siblings can then “pick up” younger siblings near the B-wing exit.

  5. Walkers will be dismissed by classroom.

Dismissal Procedures: Car Riders

  1. Car riders dismissal will begin at 3:10.

  2. Students will be dismissed to the gym to sit in a designated pick up area.

  3. Dismissal teachers will be stationed in the gym and at the front entrance doors and will radio for students when their ride has arrived.

  4. Students will exit out of the front cafeteria doors into the hallway and report to the front doors for exiting.

Bussing Procedures

  1. Busses will be dismissed one at a time as they arrive.

  2. Students riding the bus will be dismissed by classroom.

  3. A staff member will walk students out to the gym exit/ entrance to the buses.

  4. One staff member will be designated to assist each of the following groups: PreK & K, 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th.

Lunch Procedures

  1. Students in grades PrK-3 will eat lunch in the classroom.

  2. Students in grades PreK-3 will have a cafeteria lunch delivered to their classroom should they choose. They will be offered two menu choices.

  3. Students in grades 4-6 will eat lunch in the cafeteria. Social distancing will be observed.

Specials & Recess

  1. Specials teachers will travel to classrooms to deliver their content.

  2. Part of each Specials class will also include recess, which will be supervised by the Specials teacher.

Expectations for Students, Staff, & Visitors