Resources & Services

School Counselor

The school counselor, Mrs. Sandra Smith, is available to support you in helping your child transition and succeed during the school year. Mrs. Smith can be reached through email ( or by phone (814-899-7643 ext. 3142).

Mrs. Smith can offer support in utilizing resources, working with teachers, and connecting to professionals outside the school if necessary.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is available to all Iroquois students with parent/ guardian permission to participate. SAP offers a team approach to supporting your child and provides access to a mental health liaison, Ms. Theresa Buczek, who will collaborate with you on the types of services your child may best benefit from.

Please consult the document below for more detailed information. Interested families may contact the Iroquois Elementary School office to begin services.

IES Student Assistance Program.docx

School-Based Outpatient Counseling through the Achievement Center

Iroquois school district provides a space for mental health counseling services through the Achievement Center. Families who may need this level of support can be referred by school staff or may contact the agency directly. For more information, families can contact the Iroquois Elementary School office.

School Office Phone: 814-899-7643

School Counselor Phone: 814-899-7643 ext. 3142