
Each family is responsible to provide each student's own costume. Please keep the costumes simple; we have to change from costumes into school clothes and vice versa.  An ideal costume might include solid colored pants and a solid colored shirt you could also wear to school, plus an accessory or two that you could easily pack in a backpack. Tights, tall boots, wigs, complicated jewelry, etc, are not ideal. Please keep costumes simple, and able to transition as easily as possible into the school day.

You can find your costume at a thrift store, shop online, or make it yourself from old T-shirts and fabric you may already have. Halloween costumes will be easy to pick up for cheap on clearance after Halloween is over.

Please do not  include an object to hold in your hand as part of your costume. You will need your hands for the choreography. Thank you!

Dress rehearsal, Friday, March 8th:
Please wear costumes OVER SCHOOL CLOTHES to rehearsal. We will change back to regular school clothes in time for class in the morning.

Performance, Wednesday, March 20th:
Please wear as much of your costume as you can to school OVER SCHOOL CLOTHES. Please wear your costume to the evening performance.