Below you will find some of the more frequently asked questions the Technology Department receives. Links to relevant resources including informative PDFs, video tutorials, and website links are provided in the drop-down for each question. Questions are grouped by main topic in alphabetical order.

General Questions

How do I change my password?

Steps to Enroll into Indian River's Self Serve Password Portal:

1. Browse to this link: https://forgotpassword.ircsd.org

2. Click on "Enroll"

2. Enter your current Username and Password

3. Select two questions and complete the answers. The answers to these two questions will allow you to gain access to the portal if you forget your password.

Once you complete this process you will be enrolled into Indian River's Self Serve Portal. You now can change your password or recover it. The next step will require all staff to CHANGE your password.

Steps to Change Your Password Using Indian River's Self Serve Password Portal

1. Browse to this link: https://forgotpassword.ircsd.org.

2. Click on "Change password".

2. Enter Your Current Username and Password.

3. Enter Your New Password. You will need to enter it in the first box and then confirm it in the second box. You can click on the eyeball to see your password if needed. This will assist in making sure the passwords match. Your new password requirements are:

  • Must be at least 8 characters long

  • Cannot contain words used in your username or name

  • Use at least three of the four following character types:

    • number

    • special character (e.g. !, $, #, %, .)

    • upper case character

    • lower case character

4. Click on Change to complete the process.

5. This process automatically changes your Active Directory Password (Access to Networked Computers), Google Password (Access to all Google Products and Chromebooks), Schooltool Password, and WarriorNET Password.

Once you have enrolled and changed your password, you will now have the ability (for future use) to recover your password if you forget it.

Steps to Recover a Lost Password Using Indian River's Self Serve Password Portal:

1. Browse to this link: https://forgotpassword.ircsd.org.

2. Click on "Forgot my password".

3. You will now be prompted for your username and answers to the security questions that were created in the enrollment process. You can then create a new password using the same guidelines that were used with your initial setup.

Why is my computer running slowly?

If your computer is running slowly, it is most likely due to one or more of the following: there are a lot of background tasks running, it needs (or is installing) updates, and/or it needs to restart. To help address these common factors, we recommend the following:

1. Start your computer and log in when you first arrive in the morning. Give the computer 5 minutes or so before trying to open things up.

2. Restart your computer when your schedule permits, keeping in mind that restarting could take half an hour or more if updates are pending. Restarting after the end of classes may be a good option for many.


Frontline Professional Growth and Absence Management (formerly MyLearningPlan and AESOP)


How do I use the advanced features of Gmail?

How do I set up student or parent email groups in Gmail?

To use Google Contacts and Gmail to set up email groups for your students or parents, please watch this tutorial: How to Set Up Email Groups in Gmail.


Google Meet

Where can I go for help with any additional questions I may have about Google Classroom or Google Meet?

Google offers a wealth of documentation and support materials at the following links: Google Classroom and Google Meet (Hangouts). In addition, Google has recently created a series of "First Day" welcome guides as a direct response to current events.

Is there a limit to the number of participants who can view a Google Meet session at the same time?

There is usually a limit, but Google is offering free access to their advanced capabilities (including higher participant numbers) at this time. More information about these updates is available here.

How do I record a Google Meet?

We have recently enabled the ability to record Google Meet sessions for our faculty and staff. To access a tutorial video on how to record your Meets, please view this video: Google Meet Recording Tutorial

How do I get my Google Meet session to appear in a Grid view (like Zoom)?

Tyler Brown located a Chrome Extension that adds this functionality to Google Meet, and Vicki McCullouch wrote up a handy tutorial for using it: Google Meet with Grid Extension

Google Sites

Why are parents asked to sign in to Google to view my Google Site?

This occurs most often when the share permissions for your Google Site are set to "Anyone at Indian River Central School District can find and view". This means that only people signed in to @ircsd.org accounts can view your site. To adjust the share permissions for your site, please refer to this tutorial video: Google Sites Permission Adjustment Tutorial


How do I view my class roster when we are not in session?

How do I email all of my students or all of their parents at once?

WarriorNET (ClassLink)

What is WarriorNET, and how can it be used for external access?

WarriorNET is our District's implementation of the Classlink Single Sign-On solution. A single sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication service that allows users to use one set of login credentials (username/password) to access multiple applications. By signing in to WarriorNET, our students and faculty can have access to a variety of applications used by our District without having to sign in to each of those applications individually.

While at home or away from the District, students and faculty can always access WarriorNET from at ircsd.org and sign in to utilize the same applications used while at school.

Why can't my students sign in with the Google button on WarriorNET?

The student may not be signed in to Google Chrome, or their account has not yet been set up to utilize the Google button. Click here for a student tutorial for signing in to WarriorNET.


How do I connect to my home Wifi with my IRCSD Windows 10 device?

How do I enable or disable WiFi on my IRCSD Windows 10 device?

Click here for directions for how to enable/disable WiFi using keystrokes on your IRCSC laptop:

HP ProBook 440 Laptops


How do I submit a website link or YouTube video for unblocking?

If you or your students are experiencing blocked sites or YouTube videos, there is a new procedure for determining if that resource can be unblocked.

Teachers can go to youtubecheck.ircsd.org, enter the URL (link) of the site or video, and click Search. The next screen will reveal how the URL is classified. If the Category is "Unknown", teachers can submit a request to have the URL re-categorized. If Lightspeed approves it, the site or video will then be accessible to students. If they deny the request or the Category shows "Mature", we can then add it to our Custom Allow List if there is sufficient justification. The user who submits the request will receive an email update.