
Grading in Third Grade

The third grade report card utilizes a 1-4 scale for assessment of academic areas.

A 4 would indicate that your child exceeds grade level expectations in that skill or concept.

A 3 would indicate that your child meets grade level expectations in that skill or concept.

A 2 would indicate that your child is working toward grade level expectations in that skill or concept.

A 1 would indicate that your child is not meeting grade level expectations in that skill or concept.

An X indicates an area that is not yet assessed.

Classwork done each day is corrected and sent home in the folder as it is completed. On many sheets, students are instructed to circle errors and any that were incomplete when time was up. They are expected to complete and/or correct the assignment before it comes home.

Tests and quizzes, and any other papers I choose to collect to gauge progress, will be corrected and/or graded by me using the 1-4 scale. These will go home in the folders.

If your child does not perform well on a test and receives a grade that concerns me I may send the test home asking for your signature so that I can be sure you are aware that there may be an issue.

If there are any questions or concerns please call me here at school or email at