
Startup Grant has been sanctioned to following team during FY 2021-22 

DeTec Innovation Pvt. Ltd. (Startup-DPIIT)

Dr. Prabhat Kumar, USEM

Dr. Gajendra P Singh, Consultant

The project proposes to Design a portable Raman spectrometer (PRS). The proposed PRS prototype system shall be designed using off the shelf optical and mechanical components. The proposed PRS system will obtain spectral signatures from food samples such as milk powders, fruits and oils.  Spectral signature from polluted water due to excessive use of fertilizers will also be performed.

Mentor(s) : 1. Prof. N. C. Gupta, USEM

                   2. Dr. Neetu Rani, USEM

Nikita teresa Sarkar

Hesna Shah, 

Sadhya Bhatnagar, USAP

Divnoor Kaur 

Proposal - Abhishek Khandelwal.pdf


Abhishek Khandelwal, USICT

Vipul, Aaryan, 

Mallika Mittal


Uday Chauhan 

The objective of the project is to develop a platform that helps students upskill in the right direction and provides them with the right opportunity.

A Presentation on Start-up Idea 1 - Ajay Yadav.pptx

Door to Door Delivery of HSD

Ajay Kumar Yadav, USMS

The objective of the project to develop Mobile App for Door to Door Delivery of High Speed Diesel fuel along with sale of engine oil, lubricants and maintenance services of Heavy vehicles and machineries.

Mentor : 1. Dr. Sanchita Bansal, USMS


Anmol Mathur, USAP

Shubham Solanki, USAP, 

Vardan Soi, USAP 

The objective of the project to bridge the gap between design and analysis to guide Owners, Developers, Architects and Engineers to Save operational energy and cost in their buildings yet maximize occupant comfort & wellbeing. By integrating building performance and design through technology, research and innovation with a multi-disciplinary knowledge, The mission of the project is to to drive Sustainability in the built environment and fight climate change. 

Gaurav, USICT, 

Tarun Singh, USICT

Rahul Kanojia, USICT, 

Ritvik Singh Rautela, USICT 

To develop A Smart Walking Stick based on the TLC (Traffic Light Crossing Algorithm) which effectively allows them to dodge obstacles and cross traffic signals.

To develop a Smart Helmet warns the pedestrian and vehicles whenever the vehicle in front of him takes a sudden turn or abruptly stops by blinking of the LEDs which will be mounted on the helmet and by raising an alarm bell. It also vibrates to warn if there is a vehicle or person too close behind the user.

Mentor: 1. Dr. Rahul Johari, USAR

Lex Eruditus

The startup engaged in  conceptualisation articulation, representation and enforcement - services that are aimed to comprehensively cover the entire lifecycle of intellectual property.


Working in the area of web development. 


The geekonpeak, a futuristic edtech website, bidding on providing the best and high quality educational content for free. The team have been working towards improving the content since an year, at this stage GeekonPeak is producing new and improved blogs with full force.

Conceptual Enterprises

The objective of the start-up is to do the business on customised print-on-demand.