How should we sustainably power our future?

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

Warm Up

The Future of Energy Brainstorm and Building A Mindset (Pear Deck in class.) This deck is designed to review the broad essential understandings of Energy Production and Consumption.

The Problem

Our Past, Present, and Future Plans for Energy are all unsustainable. There are also many global inequities in affordable access to energy. We will run out of usable energy if we don't change our ways. There must be a better way!

The Question

Can we build an affordable, clean, and sustainable global energy future without sacrificing the best of what we do connected to energy today? How?

Choose a Partner

Who will you work with? Why?

Choose Your Role

Concerned Citizen - Influencing a community or government body to leave the past behind and move forward with a new sustainable energy future.

Environmental Lobbyist - Influencing a government official or legislator to leave the past behind and move forward with a new sustainable energy future.

Corporate CEO - Influencing a board of directors to leave the past behind and move forward with a new sustainable energy future.

Vlogger / Blogger / Social Media Influencer - Influencing the digital world to leave the past behind and move forward with a new sustainable energy future.

Educator - Design a learning unit to to support a student-centered learning experience connected to a sustainable energy future.

Something else? - Who do you want to be to engage people in a sustainble energy future?

Share the role you have chosen and why you've chosen your new profession. (Pear Deck Response)

Engage in the Design Thinking Process

We've looked, listened, and learned. We've explored the past, present, and future of energy. It is now time to design a sustainable future prototype.

Navigate Ideas - What questions do you need to ask to design a sustainable energy future? How will you explore these questions to begin to build a prototype for a sustainable energy future? (Wednesday - Thursday)

Create a Prototype Solution - What will you design connected to the role you chose to share your plan? (Thursday - Monday)

Highlight and Fix - Share your prototype with your table group. Explore your table's projects. Ask questions. Provide constructive feedback. Revise your prototypes based on feedback. (Monday - Tuesday)

Launch Final Proposal - Share your final design prototype for the future of energy with the class. Explore the class prototypes and compare/contrast your design to other prototypes. Evaluate your assigned prototypes. (Link will go live on Wednesday - Thursday)

Reflect: Look, Listen, and Learn - Explore global energy plans and compare/contrast your design to what is already in the works . What would you do different after exploring other plans? (Link will go live on Thursday - Friday)

The APES Daily Agenda and Google Classroom should help to provide the pace you need to complete your plan.