The Future of Energy?

"It is time for a sustainable energy policy which puts consumers, the environment, human health, and peace first." Dennis Kucinich

The plan for the unit is to engage in the design thinking process to understand Energy in the present and then design a plan for the Future of Energy.

The unit will be divided into 2 large segments.

Assessments will be connected directly to the textbook modules posted in the daily agenda.

The organization and learning process of this unit will be connected to this design thinking framework.

Energy Essential Concepts

A. Energy Concepts (Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics)

B. Energy Consumption

C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources)

D. Nuclear Energy (Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion)

E. Hydroelectric Power (Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts)

F. Energy Conservation (Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit)

G. Renewable Energy (Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental advantages/disadvantages)

2019 Energy Video Playlist From Class

Daily Agenda

Unit 4: Energy Agenda 2019