Department of

Multi-Media and Mass Communication

Hosted the Visit of Mr. Ahmed Saleh

(Director General of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture)

The Department of Multi-Media and Mass Communication was honoured to host the visit of the Director General of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, Mr. Ahmed Saleh, on the 2nd of December 2022. Mr. Saleh is also the Executive Director of the Cairo Atelier Association of Artists and Writers and Chairman of the National Art Association's Cultural and Artistic Activity Committee. It was our pleasure to welcome him and his escort, Mr. Ankit under empowering presence of our Acting Principal, Prof. Rekha Sethi and Department Coordinator, Prof. Rekha Upreti.

The rendezvous started with a brief introduction in the Arabic language by our second-year students of the department, Ms. Aqsa Aziz and Rida Sarwar narrating the history of the college and its active participation in the Indian Independence Movement against the British Colonial Raj. This was followed by Dr. Aahana Bhatnagar and Ms. Mrinal Singh guiding him on a tour of our campus, visiting our Museum and Archives, College Library, and the Department of Multi Media and Mass Communication. Mr. Saleh interacted with the students of MMMC department to learn about their experiences of studying media as a subject discipline in India. As a result of his curiosity about Indian culture, he asked students about their academic and professional aspirations from the curriculum. He wished students to choose what they were passionate to pursue after the course without parental pressure or coercion. We also got to know about the central theme of his abstract artworks, which was sharing the spirit of love and cultural harmony. Art as a medium of expression was best seen by him as a ‘medium of liberation’. Last but certainly not least, he painted for us an immensely fascinating abstract illustration of an ‘African Woman’ on canvas.