
Yearbook 2022

Ananta has soared high into the sky, exploring the unexplored, with the help of its dedicated and supportive team. With the world opening up in 2022, Ananta also opened up to a vast variety of thought processes, ideas, and opportunities. Yearbook 2022-23 is a glimpse of all the innovative ideas, projects, research, articles, and events that are the culmination of hard work and effort put in by members from diverse departments. The emphasis on a sustainable future and methods for achieving it is reflected in this year's theme, Global Science For Global Well-being.

Yearbook 2021

Just like a flying kite, Ananta has soared high into the sky, exploring the unexplored, with the help of its dedicated and supportive team. With the world opening up in 2021, Ananta also opened up to a vast variety of thought processes, ideas, and opportunities. Yearbook 2021-22 is a glimpse of all the innovative ideas, projects, research, articles, and events that are the culmination of hard work and effort put in by members from diverse departments. The emphasis on a sustainable future and methods for achieving it is reflected in this year's theme, Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for Sustainable Future.

Yearbook 2020

Ananta is almost like an ocean, which it evidently is, with a wide array of members who are equally hardworking and passionate about the work they do. Even last year,  which proved to be one of the most difficult ones in the last few decades, didn’t stop them from working continuously to pursue what they believe in. In addition to that, all the freshers have been contributing their share of work with utmost strength and alertness. The Height of all their hard work and efforts gives birth to Ananta!

It is not limited only to the science fraternity but also has participants from various walks of life. 

Yearbook 2019

The seed of Ananta '19 was sown almost a year back, which has now bloomed into a mature tree. Each word is a crisp green leaf, fluttering in the gust of memories. Each page is a branch, spreading out to reach your eye, and the photographs are flowers, spreading their fragrance into your life. We all have left an imprint of our souls sitting on this tree. 

It is not just a stack of pages, it is a collection of living stories revealing the fruit of one year's endless labor; a glimpse of life in Ananta.

The Quarantine Diaries

The Quarantine Diaries’ magazine is developed by the members of science society to showcase the reflection of young minds on explaining the various impacts on economy, psychology and social dimensions of COVID-19 pandemic. 

The articles are self-provoking and make us think and rethink about the time we are living the age of confinement.

Yearbook 2018

The first issue of the yearbook, this magazine showcases the valuable efforts put in by different departments of the college to come together to form this society. The fruits of their efforts are reflected in the different sections of this magazine. 'Science for People' talks of science as serving the society and taking it forward and 'People for Science' refers to our contribution to science in order to generate scientific temperament.