Suggested Materials

Suggested Materials For Teachers:

Depending on the game jam(s) you choose can depend on what materials may be needed to play. A good rule of thumb for these types of activities are access to basic crafting materials and things you most likely already have in the classroom. Some examples include:

  • Paper (Construction, Sticky Notes, Flash Cards, Etc.)

  • Die/Dice, Coins, Tokens, Table Spinners, Etc.

  • Scissors

  • String

  • Glue/Glue Sticks

  • Rubber Bands

  • Various Game Pieces

  • Writing/Coloring Utensils

  • AND SO MUCH MORE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES (Have fun and be creative!)

For introducing game jam, you could create a power-point with photos of endangered species so the students have something to keep their attention on.

Having enough materials for every student to participate in the game jam is essential because you want everyone to feel included.

You can also have worksheets and/or pamphlets for the students to take with them so they can refer back to them in the future if they are interested in learning more about endangered species.