
Training Site Navigation and Instructions

There are 6 modules in the training.

Each module contains short video presentations as well as forms, contacts and additional resources.

Module materials are also located on the Resources & Forms page. 

The self-paced modules should be completed in order, but may be reviewed as needed.

Click on "the objectives of modules" for an overview of the six modules

Objectives of Modules

MODULE 1: Overview

Overview of the program and EPA's 3 T's - Training, Testing, and Taking Action. Begin planning your lead testing of drinking water program. 

MODULE 2: Communication and Education

Create a contact list and communication plan for your program. Information and resources provided on access to safe, healthy water and lead exposure and health risks to include in education and communication efforts. 

MODULE 3: Conduct a Walkthrough and Plumbing Profile

Instructions on how to conduct a plumbing profile, complete a walkthrough and code structures.  Sample forms provided if your facility or school does not already have a documentation system. 

MODULE 4: How to Collect A Water Sample 

Instructions on how to collect a sample from a water structure using the kit that the State Hygienic Lab sends to your school or child care program representative. A sample form from the state hygienic laboratory will be provided in the presentation that shows how to complete the labels and the chain of custody form for the water samples collected.

MODULE 5: Results and Requirements

Information on how to read results and complete communication and reporting requirements. 

MODULE 6: Remediation and Additional Resources

 Brief overview of additional resources.