Module Two:

Communication Plan & Education Resources

Communication Plan.mp4

Create a copy of the Communication and Reporting Form.

Watch the videos for creating a communication plan. 

Notify school/childcare community of the following:

Follow notification requirements outlined in the Communication & Reporting Form.

Awareness & Education 

Watch the videos and explore the optional resources for general awareness and use in your communications plan


These short video training modules guide schools on steps to take to help students drink more water during the day. School staff will learn what can be done to ensure water is available, safe, and promoted as an ideal beverage choice. 

23 Lead.mp4

Although preventable, lead poisoning remains a significant health concern for young children. There is no safe level of lead in a child's blood (CDC). Elevated levels can harm a child’s central nervous system and are associated with reduced IQ, behavioral problems and learning disabilities. The Iowa Department of Health and Human Service (Iowa HHS) leads efforts in Iowa to prevent lead poisoning in children.