Conversations with Schools

Conversations with Schools

The information provided on this website will help answer general questions about Health and Safety in school. Schools have had to make a lot of adjustments in a short amount of time. There is not a specific date that all details are due to be a part of a plan. We ask your patience with us and schools as our guidance keeps updating during these times. Questions about transportation, nutrition, and the specifics of “hybrid” plans will be in place before school starts. Families can request or explore 100% remote options if needed or if the plan is to return to the classroom 100% most of those details will be set.

For specific local plans, the district can provide the following information:

  • Local policies;

  • Local practices and mitigation strategies;

  • Specific information about how school will be provided* (on site, hybrid, or online) depending upon local data regarding communicable disease (Influenza, COVID 19, etc); and

  • How and whom to contact with additional questions about local district health and safety practices.

*How school will be provided can also be affected by local public health, Iowa Department of Public Health, and state/governor emergency proclamations.