STEAM Project Categories

Invention / Engineering

Studies that focus on the science and engineering that involve structure, movement, or design.

  • Students share an innovative solution to a problem or their own single item invention

  • Students share their discovery of engineering concepts and methods by taking something apart, learning how it works, and then explaining it (reverse engineering)

  • Students construct their own Rube Goldberg device through exploring physics and engineering concepts and methods

Robotics & Computer Science

Studies in which the use of machine intelligence, information processes or methodologies to demonstrate, analyze, or control a process/solution.

  • Students design a mechanical agent that can perform tasks automatically (robot)

  • Students use computer science to design software that can perform tasks

Environmental / Agricultural Innovation

Studies of the environment and its effect on organisms/systems including investigations of biological processes, as well as studies of Earth systems and their evolution.

  • Students share environmentally and/or agriculturally innovative ideas, including new products, procedures, inventions, promotional projects, community events, etc.

Scientific Inquiry

Studies of the natural world that provide explanation based on evidence.

  • Students design, conduct, and share an experiment using scientific methodology, hypothesis, research, data collection, and analysis

Create STEAM

Fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes

  • Students define and then consistently use alternative physical rules or thought processes for the environment to create a great science fiction story (these can be written pieces, videos, plays, radio shows, graphic novels, etc.)