
Funding Timeline

Grantmaking for the Fund will happen in three general phases. These phases are intended to serve as a guideline to support the general flow of work but should not be interpreted as ‘hard’ rules. The Fund may support its core strategies across any phase.

*The bulk of grant funds will be distributed during Phase 2. All awards are based on available funding.


Grantmaking Strategy

Phase 1 (July 2019-Sept/Oct 2019) - COMPLETE

2-3 awards up to $75,000 each

Community education efforts including communications and translation

NOTE: We are no longer funding messaging, toolkit, or materials development.

Phase 2 (late fall 2019-April 2020) - COMPLETE

5-10 awards up to $50,000 each

Outreach and activation for Get Out The Count (GOTC)

Phase 3 (May 2020-July 2020)

3-5 awards up to $25,000 each

“Boots on the ground” outreach directly connected to the non-response follow-up (NRFU) period, includes canvassing and phone banking