Learn more about Global Goal #1: No Poverty using this learning playlist I created with links I found useful in my research.

Service Learning Opportunity: Child Sponsorship with Compassion International

Meet Yanapon - International School of America's First Sponsored Child

My Letters to Yanapan: Thai Version


หวัดดีญาณพลพี่ชื่ออาลิซาค่ะพี่เรียนมัธยมกับคุณครูทัปเปอร์ เพราะญาณพลอายุน้อยกว่าพี่พี่ขอเรียกญาณพลว่าน้องกันรอกันนอ พี่อาศัยอยู่ในกรุงเทพฯแถวบางกะปิ แล้วตอนที่พี่ได้รูว่าน้องก็อยู่กรุงเทพด้วยพี่รู้สึกว่ามันน่าตื่นเต้นมากเลย พี่อยู่ประเทศไทยมากกว่า๘ปีครึ่งแล้วแต่พี่เพิ่งเริ่มเรียรู้เข้าใจและพูดภาษาไทยเมื่อสองปีที่แล้วก็เลยถ้าพี่ทำข้อผิดพลาดอะไรให้อาภัยด้วยน่ะค่ะเพราะพี่ยังไม่เก่งเท่าไรหรอก จังหวัดของประเทศไทยที่พี่เคยได้ไปมีจังหวัดเดียวเองคือสงขลาพี่ได้ไปตอนปี๕๙พี่ได้ไปที่หาดสมิหลามันกว้างใหญ่และที่นั้นมันรู้สึกสดชื่นมากเลยค่ะ ครูทัปเปอร์ได้ให้ดูโปรไฟล์ของน้องแล้วมันดูน่าสนใจมากๆคือถ้าพี่ไม่ผิดน้องชอบเล่นกีฬาร้องเพลงการแสดง น้องน่าชมมากๆเลยน่ะค่ะและพี่อยากจะรู้อะไรอีกมากหมายๆเกี่ยวกับน้องค่ะขอให้น้องสุขภาพดีแข็งแรงดูแลตัวเองและมีความสุขมากๆน่ะค่ะ



My Letters to Yanapan: English Version

Dear Yanapon,

My name is Aliza.. I live in Bangkok near Bangkapi. And when I learned that you were also in Bangkok, I felt that it was very exciting. I have been in Thailand for more than 8 and a half years, but I just started learning, understanding and speaking Thai two years ago. There’s only one province of Thailand that I have been to, Songkhla, I went there in 2016, I went to Samila beach, it was huge and that place felt very refreshing. Teacher Tupper showed us your profile, and it looks very interesting, if I’m not wrong you seem interested in things like sports, singing, and acting. You are so admirable and I want to know a lot more about you. I wish you good health, take care of yourself and be very happy.

I am very pleased to be writing this letter to you.

Kind Regards,


About Yanapan (Provided by Compassion International)

Family Duties

  • Carries Water

  • Cleaning

  • Kitchen Help

  • Running Errands

Primary Caregiver:



Formal Education Level: Primary

Grade Level: High School 4 (10th grade)

Favorite School Subjects:

  • Art

  • Language

Estimated Completion Date*:

  • 6/17/2026

Hobbies and Sport

  • Dancing and / or Drama

  • Going on Field Trips / Excursions

  • Listening to Bible Stories

  • Singing Songs

  • Art or Drawing

  • Group Games

  • Music

  • Reading

  • Running

  • Singing

  • Walking

Religious Activities:

  • Sunday School/Church

  • Youth Group

  • Camp

How child sponsorship helps Yanapan (Provided by Compassion International)

Project: TH-501, Klong Toey Praram 4 Child Development Center

Location: Thapprathan, Bangkok, Thailand

Yanapon lives on the plains of Thapprathan, home to approximately 6,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement. The primary ethnic groups and languages are Thai and Chinese.

The regional diet consists of chicken, rice, pork, fish and vegetables. Common health problems in this area include colds, allergies and skin diseases. Most adults in Thapprathan work as day laborers and earn the equivalent of $250 per month. This community needs stable employment opportunities and drug abuse prevention programs.

Our sponsorship allows the staff of Klong Toey Praram 4 Child Development Center to provide your sponsored child with Bible teaching, nutritious food, physical checkups, sports, educational field trips, volunteer opportunities, birthday celebrations, drug abuse prevention training and tutoring. The center staff will also provide meetings and parenting training for the parents or guardians of your sponsored child.

General Information (Khlong Toei, Bangkok)

Population: 6000

Name Of Major City: Bangkok

Distance from Bangkok: 20 km

Climate and Environment:

  • Climate: Humid

  • Warmest Month: April

  • Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 34C

  • Coolest Month: Dec

  • Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 21C

  • Terrain: Plains/Flat Land

  • Planting Month(s): Jun, Jul, Aug

  • Rainy Month(s): May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct

  • Harvest Month(s): Nov, Dec

  • Hunger Month(s): Mar, Apr, May

Typical Home:

  • Home floor typically made of: Cement

  • Home walls typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement

  • Home roof typically made of: Cement

Learn more about Bangkok, Thailand

Global Google Classroom: STEAM Engineering


Over the last decade, the Tiny House movement has been spreading. A tiny house is a residential structure under 400 square feet (400 square feet is similar to the size of a two car garage.) The Tiny house movement is becoming more popular because it is more affordable, more environmentally conscious, and just a simpler and easier way of living. Simpler living means less stress and more time to focus on what is important in life.

Big Ideas

  • Geometric relationships can be described, analyzed, and classified based on spatial reasoning and/or visualization.

  • Measurement attributes can be quantified, and estimated using customary and non-customary units of measure.

  • Energy can be transferred from one form to another.

  • Human decisions related to design, materials, and systems can impact the environment locally and globally.

Essential Questions

  • How are spatial relationships, including shape and dimension, used to draw, construct, model, and represent real situations or solve problems?

  • In what ways are the mathematical attributes of objects or processes measured, calculated and/or interpreted?

  • How is energy transferred and conserved?

  • How do human decisions related to design, materials, and systems can impact the environment?

Streaming Content Study: How can child sponsorship help put an end to poverty?

About Missions in Action

It is shown in the videos how child sponsorship can and has helped some of the many children to escape poverty through having an education and thinking of providing their families with a better future and facilities that they aren’t usually born with.

Compassion has given so many kids an opportunity through child sponsorship. They had built a place where kids can learn, eat, play, and get a health checkup. How so many parents, regardless of the floods in Manila, were working hard so they can give their kids something, which is hard with what they can earn in a day, so there if the child is sponsored, the parent can think of either saving up the money they earn or use it on one of their children.

Maan is such a great example of how child sponsorship can help put an end to poverty. She was sponsored by different people through her childhood till she was an adult. She pursued her education and showed her compassion by wanting to work as one of the project leaders of the child sponsorship program. She can empathize with those who like her, live in a very humble place with parents and siblings but can try to build a better life for themselves and the family through the help of their sponsor and education.

A young athlete like Adeline can have dreams like winning an Olympic gold medal because of her hard work and her sponsors. Even though she was brought up in a cemetery at a roofless top she didn’t give up and wanted to make her way through life with the help of sports and her sponsor.

Where it is hard to find a stable roof and live off, a young Sri Lankan girl and her family were able to set up a home with the help of her sponsor. The gifts and letters that she receives from her sponsor give her a smile and hope. She wants to become a nurse and end poverty for her family. She also wishes that the children around her can be sponsored too so they can also have a humble home and education through which they can also be hopeful.

Kids in Africa are receiving education because of child sponsorship. They are learning recycling, attending clubs, and also learning the importance of saving money they earn themselves through making and selling stuff at their school. Most of the children would give their money to their parents so they can buy food with it. The kids live at places that are hard to find and filled with potential risks of diseases but they and their parents are hopeful that with the help of the child sponsorship program and the kids’ hard work they will be successful and be able to have a better life.

Kids in Africa are receiving education because of child sponsorship. They are learning recycling, attending clubs, and also learning the importance of saving money they earn themselves through making and selling stuff at their school. Most of the children would give their money to their parents so they can buy food with it. The kids live at places that are hard to find and filled with potential risks of diseases but they and their parents are hopeful that with the help of the child sponsorship program and the kids’ hard work they will be successful and be able to have a better life.