YEAR 11 ~ AQA GCSE Media Studies

Taisiya Khachaturova

My magazine is a lifestyle magazine aimed at middle-upper class females of age 18-26. Its main themes are personal development and emotional intelligence, so it’s mainly going to be focused on such things as mental health. The two models featured on the front are interviewed which can be seen on the double page spread. They are presented as young entrepreneurs and in the interview they share their experiences which other women could possibly relate to. Mostly I was hoping that the magazine would spread awareness and be perceived as support for the audience. When making this magazine I learnt how to properly work in such programmes as InDesign and Photoshop, as well as I fully experienced the difficulty of writing an article and coming up with an overall idea for the theme of the magazine. Hopefully you enjoy it.

Anton Martin

My project is a high end magazine meant for AB class citizens. My front cover has an image ofa model and she is portrayed as Kenzie Brooks. The Front cover has a purple gradient to makeit more feminism.The main emotion of this magazine is to show power within females and the can be seen in the facial emotions of Kenzie. The double page spread includes pieces of an interview with the world’s best female gamedesigner, Laura Torres, she explains her life and all the issues that she has gone through.There is a logo of her game, The Story Of Life, which is an award winning game. Laura is anormal girl, just finished school and doesn't want to show off. She wears normal everyday clothes and as you can see the colours also portray her as being girly and gentle. Hopefully you will enjoy my work.

Artem zhidan

My lifestyle magazine was aimed at the wealthier young adult women. I was hoping to create the front page and double page spread of a magazine that fits into the professional world, however still shines in the midst of others. I used magazines like “TATLER”, “COSMOPOLITAN” and “WOMEN’S HEALTH” for inspiration and research. Incorporating some of their features, I tried to put together a front page that would be neat and elegant, would stand out and catch attention with features and appearance, would be catchy and easy to recognise.

I organised the features on either side of the model, used bright colours that stood out and fit together, and mentioned topics that would interest my target audience. The double page spread was also inspired by those, making me realise the lack of boundaries for creativity and the importance of pictures in a magazine. I ended up putting three massive pictures at the top, along with a standfirst and the title in the middle, while a picture of the model accompanied the article and interview at the bottom of the double page spread. Writing the article, I tried to use informal language and use a relatable tone to establish a connection with the reader.

Dongyoung Kim


Minami Suga

My project is a front cover and a double page spread on a female lifestyle magazine. This aims at young female adults who enjoy learning new things. I was hoping that this magazine would help my target audience forget the stress from their everyday life and explore new worlds. My overall color-theme is pastel colours to express femininity. Also, I tried to make the magazine look friendly, but still mature, which would suit my target audience. I used a popular K-POP idol on the front cover to catch the eyes of the audience and a trendy female singer and an experienced female game developer for the double page spread who talk about the relationship between gaming and women. Through this project, I have learnt that it takes a considerable amount of time to create just one media product that attracts a specific audience.This is because not only are there an enormous number of factors to consider, but very tiny things also matter a lot in the appearance of the product.

ege Yirtimcilar


Mokhammed Nur Al-Ayta


Nurs teaser video screen

Gleb Karamyshkinas


Arsenii Maheshwari


Maksim gagarin
