IoT Applications, Use Cases, Trends

IoT Meets Insurance:  Tapping the Potentials


The insurance industry, traditionally cautious in embracing new technologies, is undergoing a transformative phase with the arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT). The emergence of IoT offers new opportunities for insurance companies to enhance risk assessment and offer more tailored services.  ... read more

Transforming City Management with OCTOBUS IoT GeoHeatmap Tool


The OCTOBUS IoT Platform now features a powerful tool known as the Geo Heatmap Widget, which allows users to easily visualize data and detect patterns, trends, and outliers in real-time... read more

IoT for Water Leak Detection in Residential and Administrative Buildings: Save Costs, Reduce Risks and Improve Quality of Life with OCTOBUS


Water leaks and pipe damage in buildings are major problems that can go undetected for long periods, leading to substantial damage and costs... read more