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Manual and Educational Platform GLOBE

Manual and Educational Platform GLOBE for teachers' training on how to implement measures on Media Literacy and fighting against disinformation and fake news. Website creation and management

The Manual and Educational Platform GLOBE is a comprehensive resource designed to train teachers in media literacy and combating disinformation. 

The platform includes a detailed Teacher's Manual outlining course objectives, methodologies, and evaluation metrics, along with concrete activities and additional resources. The Educational Platform features an interactive, tree-like content structure with virtual classes, videos, and questionnaires that offer immediate feedback. Various types of content such as text, images, and videos are included to serve as teaching materials and a resource bank. 

To foster collaboration and participation, the platform integrates chat sessions and forums. A "completion tracking" feature is also included for monitoring and evaluation. The platform is open access but requires prior registration, ensuring its long-term use and adaptability. It aims to be a robust, interactive, and enduring resource for both teachers and students.

Spanish Version

Lhithuanian Version

Italian Version

Turkish Version

Serbian Version